
If they are going in with a colour screen, they have to be aiming for a device that is more than an e-reader. And with no access to a major app store, and with devs having to develop specifically for this, I can't see this taking off. Those who want to read books will stick with the black and white nook, or kindle,

@AwesomeTroll: The idevice doesnt have a filesystem structure, so he can't browse the idevice to find the photos to upload them so he can then edit them.

Thats not far off the £540 that the Desire HD is going to cost in the UK. Premium device's do and always will demand premium price tags.

O sweet, been looking for something like this for a while, and have always wondered why no body has released something like this before. Would need to see if it can be rooted, and this could be a good wi christmas present for myself.

@MayorBloomberg: I don't know what that link is supposed to prove, all it does is speculate that Photoshop may not even make it into the store. You have just dodged my point entirely. I am not arguing for or against this store, i just said it is not the marvellous saviour you made it out to be. It does not have much

@MayorBloomberg: On the legal side CSx costs far more then $600. but im sure that you are not advocating stealing...

Wait, so if they did reject it, the dev would probably get a huge amount of press coverage if he/she kicked up a fuss about it. Then everyone would know about the app in question, then everyone would just go and get the app from the dev's home site, there by not having to give Apple 30% revenue, or be subject to these

@MayorBloomberg: Right, aside from your clear petulance, im sure you are old and wise enough to understand that I wasn't talking about flash player here. If you didn't, then maybe we should just stop having this discussion.

@MayorBloomberg: I was merely saying that there is no where near as much potential as you made out there to be. It worked on a phone because there was no current distribution central for apps on phones at the time. Programmes are already easily found, installed and used from none central stores on Pc's on all formats

@MayorBloomberg: How, has your mac never had 3rd party programmes before? My ubuntu OS has had an app store for about 5 years, and Suse had it long before that. It just saves you having to go and get the programmes from the devs own site or a shop. Its not going to change anything. Decent programmes are still going to

@Peter Zanetti: That is like saying Microsoft should only advertise windows 7 to XP and Vista users, and only let those with an old winmo device see what WP7 can do, until hours later when the rest of the peasants are allowed to view it all. Its an arrogant view from a company that is focussed on html5 to then jump

@Peter Zanetti: They are a rich company that can afford more bandwidth. It would be a great time to pitch great new features of OS's and hard ware to people that don't own Apple products. Now all they are doing is preaching to the converted. Everyone that watches it will have an Apple device, so Apple has nothing to

@ben1605: I know lots of places that take xmas temps, Marks and Spencers is a great place if you can get it. My friend just bought a wifi router for like £15 off of ebay, and it came with a £5 vodafone credit sim card in it, which is good like like 1ish GB. Might be handy getting one of them, no monthly bills etc, and

@ben1605: O man that sucks. Time to get a job! What uni are you at? I didn't even know it was possible to block that, as in how would their server know your router could assign ip's, but had its server turned off.

@ben1605: Couldn't you turn the DHCP server on the router off, and manually assign an IP address to each device? Or just give everything the same IP address, and only connect one thing at a time? Or just let the uni server give all your things a different IP address? Or did i miss the point?

@xhedgehogx: Best idea I had in halls. Xbox, wifi and laptop all running.

@ben1605: Or just set up an ad-hoc wifi network form your nettop?

Wait so I have to have an Apple device to view this? Or are they just not telling me something...

@RecipeForHate: That may well be the UK press release if it is coming from Kat as well. There will most likely be a stream on the .com as well.