
@hostile-17: It says New York in the menu at the left of the page. Underneath the local time. It just takes common sense to see that. While yes your method may contain less words, I think that every store in the nation has more emphasis than every store in the US. These guys are all journalists, and unless you have

@hostile-17: Regardless of what kind of company it is, they are writing from their company base in the USA, about an American based company. If you want to start nit picking, they are technically right. Starbucks is the name of the American company, and the other world wide division are cub companies with different

@anna.martin: O wow, just in time to replace my aging N95_8GB, and add that to the collection of 3310, 3650 N73. I don't want to leave Nokia, but lack of apparent support is almost pushing me away

Wait, so because different OS users and hardware users all use the same version of tweetdeck then Steve Jobs is right in saying that Android is f*cked up?

@Mediocre: Just buy 2x2TB. Its cheaper

@Ghostnappa9001: If it comes in at that price, and is easy enough to root, then this could be pretty good!

@notbenjamin: 2 months ago the Desire was getting on the old side. After about 3-4-5 months on the market, you should always expect a newer model to be released. But anyway, currently the Desire is the best phone on the market, and will continue to be a great phone for a long long time to come. I wouldn't be worried

As much as you may have wanted a fully touch based device, there are still a large number of the population that would like a hardware keypad, such as the business users that use a Blackberry. In the same way that the G2 and Desire Z have touch and hardware keypad.

@Robotube: Then they wouldn't have anything to make you want to buy the tv2. This is what Apple are so good at, give you enough to want to buy it, but leave you wanting so much more so you buy the new one as well

Somewhat ironic the day after my mum changed her password in a spoofed email. Without a recovery email, it becomes incredibly hard to recover from MS.

If the 4 days battery is true, this could be really useful, as long as you can also have bluetooth headset paired as well, or even just a normal headset. You could use it to see who is calling, and speak to reply to texts etc. It has potential, but i doubt version one will be up to all it could be.

@douglatins: Its in the UK. If you are from their and with Sky, that bullet could be aimed at you

Another 8,000 people have appeared in a list containing credit card information as well. From the same law firm []

I hope MS still have a way to captivate users on their phones. People like becoming involved in their phones because the phones provide enjoyment. I like reading a whole news article rather than the headline, and my friend likes playing his iphone, because the games are fun.

Work at a coffee shop, so drink it their, and occasionally at home, but it is generally black tea at home. Good in the morning, and im sure lifehacker did an article about how it is better for waking you up in the morning.

I want this phone more than any phone before it.

Maybe he used some of the money from all the public sector cuts to pay for the game?

There is so much hugely interesting things that have gone on with pioneer. This is by no means the first, and will certainly not be the last. Pioneer has arguably served a more interesting purpose since it has completed its mission, and is now just exploring ad-hoc.

Maybe the target market has been saturated, and these things havnt evolved a whole lot in the past couple of year, so know one is upgrading. No where is this evidence to show that the tablet is killing the netbook.