Damn, I was not expecting to spend $110 today (Canadian pesos).
Damn, I was not expecting to spend $110 today (Canadian pesos).
Probably sensors for the cars various tech, like smart cruise control, auto stop, etc.
I wanted a white knob because it added some contrast to an otherwise dark interior.
I wanted a white knob because it added some contrast to an otherwise dark interior.
Yessir, Focus ST. I just went outside with my Nexus7 but it didn't work. I'm not sure where the Qi Coils and magnets are, but with just the sticky pad, it didn't work. I tried it with and without a case without success.
Yessir, Focus ST. I just went outside with my Nexus7 but it didn't work. I'm not sure where the Qi Coils and magnets…
I got mines from LatheWerks, its a white Copolymer. His (one man biz) site and my knob is here: http://lathewerks.com/shop/product_i…
I got mines from LatheWerks, its a white Copolymer. His (one man biz) site and my knob is here: http://lathewerks.com…
+1 on AirDock! Love it for my car! I have two, one for my desk and one for my car, the desk charges everytime but for the one in my car, it doesn't always work, I need to sometimes unplug and put the USB cord back in. I probably should try to hardwire it into the fusebox.
+1 on AirDock! Love it for my car! I have two, one for my desk and one for my car, the desk charges everytime but…
AMG Mitsubishi.
Come to Canada, eh?
I DD a 2012 Volt and my range is cut in 50-60% in winter here in Toronto. I usually get 60-70km on a commute, it drops to 25-35 km during the winter, and this winter was pretty terrible.
5+ million dollars per year cheaper, ugh.