
It’s not all that logical and more importantly not true.

You’re not wrong. I have high arches and flats hurt too.

I have high arches and wear heels EVERY day. Wearing no heel at all makes my feet hurt. So that’s a load of anecdotal evidence. Maybe you just can’t wear heels for an unrelated reason.

Right above your spinal cord. It’s your brain stem. It’s the evolutionarily oldest part of the human brain and we share it with reptiles. Not literally of course but they also have brain stems. We’ve extrapolated that not much conscious thought or emotion comes from that part of our brain, mostly instinctual urges

I consider myself a feminist. I don’t care about opening doors or paying for dinner or whatever it is that feminism means to most people BUT I’m deeply passionate about making the world better for women worldwide that get mutulated, raped, murdered, and/or trafficked because due to their gender they’re second class