
This is what has happened in the books as well- but I think there’s a wider purpose. Martin has said that he always intended to reunite characters after drawing them apart to allow them to grow individually.

This is why you teach your kids about consent as soon as you can. Always reinforce that “No” needs to be respected.

A perfect example, ladies and gentlemen, of why “yes means yes” has to be taught alongside “no means no.” Poor woman child ):

Um, he invited her over to study and then drove her to an isolated area? Yeah, that’s not predatory at all! Just a communication problem. smgdh

A perfect example, ladies and gentlemen, of why “yes means yes” has to be taught alongside “no means no.” Poor woman ):

you can go down a really long and weird rabbit hole if you look up the “freeman movement” ... just wow. i had the pleasure of meeting one of these weirdos, who happened to be a college friend’s roommate. in a few quick points they believe:

But if the laws don’t apply to them then is there any punishment for doing something normally illegal against these people? Have they thought this through? Can anyone just come up and steal their things or beat them unconscious if the laws don’t apply to them?

We are probably seeing more of them. The movement received a lot of publicity during the whole Malheur Refuge occupation. I love that these folks drive on roads paved by government entities, benefit from fire and police protection, etc. and etc. but then they are all “I’m a sovereign citizen, your laws don’t work on

TBH, I’d probably need a cane to walk in heels of that height even without an injury.

It’s hilarious to me that walking with a cane is less of a fashion faux pas than not wearing heels.

Actually, there are studies that show a lot of the “false accusations” of rape are deemed false by law enforcement after the woman refuses to go forward. When examined by neutral third parties, a lot of them are accusations the woman recanted because the police treated her so poorly and didn’t believe her.

Yep. The majority of the retractions aren’t “I was raped, jk just said that for fun!”... they might be more like, “I was raped, now I’m ostracized in this small town, my parents think I’m sullied and dirty, and I’m getting harassed by people who think it’s impossible that the rapist could do such a thing.”

came here to say just that... if someone is scared... and wants to stop... and the other person doesn’t stop... that’s rape. It’s even RAPE rape.

The sad thing is, his claim of rape accusations turning out to be “consensual sex” might actually be women who initially filed reports only to redact them out of fear (maybe of, I dunno, NOT BEING BELIEVED.)

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”


Jesus, seriously. He fucking ruined her life. I can’t fathom how a teenaged girl could ever recover from having this done to her. Fuck him. May he never have another peaceful moment in his pathetic life. Fuck him. Fuck. Him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck reports that the man wept in court, telling the judge, “I’m giving away many years of my life.”