So very sad you are leaving, Jezebel has become my “one last look at the internets before I go to bed” nightly routine. Thanks for all the evening articles, you will be missed. Wishing you the best of luck with your book. ❤️❤️❤️
So very sad you are leaving, Jezebel has become my “one last look at the internets before I go to bed” nightly routine. Thanks for all the evening articles, you will be missed. Wishing you the best of luck with your book. ❤️❤️❤️
Yep, while I was reading it, totally thought this was shared from XOJane...
That sounds lovely! The outside looks like it has a lot of character ❤️
I do the same, I get their catalog and pick out what I for sure want. IKEA for me is about an hour away, so it turns into an event trip. Wander through the showroom, pick up some deals, get what I picked out with the catalog, hit the clearance room and BOUNCE.
Yasss, never on the weekend!
That’s amazing, but just watched it, thanks for posting it!
I’m ok with it, demanding a hug (even if you are asking nicely) doesn’t mean I’m required to give you one. Maybe I’ll look like an asshole....don’t care.
So great! 😂
I worked at a pharmacy years ago (like early 2000's) and we always had problems with running prescriptions through insurance for the women who decided to hyphenate their names. So Miss Smith is now Mrs Smith-Jones. The consensus seemed to be if they could do it again, they’d just take their husbands name. It bothered…
Is it starting to bother you more now that your kids are getting older? Maybe more involved in school or sports and get tired of explaining it (for example if they just assume your last name is your husband’s and address you as a Mr or Mrs Smith and you have to be like, “actually it’s Jones”)?
What great stories!
Girl, that sounds awesome!
WTF is this? Not watching it, totally different from the descriptions in the books. Looks gross.
No idea what they used to keep those beehives standing was probably one step away from shellac! Glad he reacted so quickly! 👍
OMG, that is terrifying! Wow, who knew beauty products were that dangerous?! 😂
My mother caught her hair on fire in the 80s perm days. Sprayed it all over with AquaNet and lit up a ciggy. She said there was a “WHOOSH” and like that, it lit up the just-sprayed aerosol. It went out just as fast....needless to say, future hairspray and smoking episodes were spaced a little further apart!
Whoa, def looks like a woman who works at my office. 😦