
Awww this is adorable!

He lived to 15, I was lucky! And you called it right, they have the cutest darned feeties. 😀

Oh thank goodness, glad to hear it!

I’m sorry 🙁

Yes! My dearly departed Howard, he was a massive corgi, in his prime he was 42 lbs. he wasn’t fat, just large (he’s the fella on the left in my avatar). Large paws and all.

Thank you!

The one with Alistair Sim is the best one! I won’t watch any other 🙂

Working on a snowflake blanket for my sister! I need to finish it by next Saturday so I can ship it. I think I’m gonna make it!

Those outfits are incredible, I would want to wear each one!

I saw that one! I thought it was adorable and could NOT FREAKIN BELIEVE IT when they painted it. Just ugh.

The mom never seems to be 100% on board, and makes the “but it just feels so small” comments while hubby is like, “this is perfect for us!”....

Sounds like a win-win!


OMG I’m so glad you’very seen it! I agree, I think it’s one of the best. whenever I suggest it to someone they’re like, you mean that one with Angelina Jolie abut the kidnapped kid in the 1920s? I wish I could find it on DVD, but then again, I probably wouldnt watch it anytime soon....too scary now that I live in

Like, we’ve all (us ladies) have been caught unawares at times with Aunt Flo. It starts suddenly, you forgot to pack extra tampons or pads, etc where you end up making do by wadding up TP or napkins and stuffing them in your drawers. But the fact that they did the bridge lane closures for the lolz, just cause they

Yeah this just seemed gross to me. Uncomfortably gross. 🙁

I’ve got a recommendation for you, The Changeling, with George C. Scott starring.

Kidnapped mermaid! The “pirate” was attached to a backpack worn on my back!

Super original costume, wow great idea!

It’s fun, they all look great!