
Toxoplasmahatma Gandhi is also known to cause ADD, party-animalness, intolerance to raisins, propensity for consuming blue food and incontrollable saying of WHAAAAT in male human teenagers.

What’s newsworthy about this? This has been known for at least decades now.

Feline companion: Priceless

So, if I still have an aversion to my cat’s piss, do I not have it? I am overwhelmed by that smell every time I scoop the litter box.

Big dog has their paws all over this.

I knew it. Cats are inherently evil. I just knew it.

Fewer Explosions?

“Fiery Explosion” edition.

Yeah.. basically don’t agree with fox news.. which is what you’re doing. Society has spoken.... and we pretty much all agree that, fox news is some sexist(tip of the iceberg) bullshit that only sexists (further tip of said iceberg) pay attention to.

A moose once bit my sister.

I pity the police. Try to be like the citizens?

It’s just a uniform. It’s part of the job. In my 9 years in the Navy I saw a few uniform changes myself.

I’d be okay with a Waldo uniform. At least you’d always be on the lookout for them.

I look at that map, and having grown up during the cold war, I’m thinking “the commies are taking over america!” (Well, no, they’re not, but it’s a fun thought.)

That’s not a map of Verizon’s LTE coverage. It’s a map of the blood of Verizon’s victims.

Or life before memes and trolls...

Pepridge Farm remembers

I think we’re a little too unhinged tonight...