
glad clara has been pretty much gone this season… cant wait for a new companion. clara always seemed like the doctor 2.0. she just had the same personality as matts doctor. it was annoying.

it was about his torment about the time war. maybe you didnt understand cause you seems to be the only person that didnt understand

it doent work like that it seems. we need to suffer :(

he needs to be in the main cast… damn this was a great episode.

i love patty… but i also loved felicity so i really hope that they dont screw her character up. i want felicity dead now haha

the literal blind date was hilarious with cisco xD

i loved this episode… i think its my favorite season 2 episode :D

i love how you admit you only pop in and out and then you go on to say its dumb… lmao, tell you what pal. try watching it before making a half assed opinion when you have no clue. lmao…

as that transformation was amazing for tv, lash is fugly as hell… great design.

may is a btch… leave hunter alone -_-

this is why since season 2 shield have been an amazing show… if lash was in season 1 we probably would have had to wait a whole season to find out who he is. but shield since season 2 has just one thing after another.

supergirl could have at least heard her aunt out. i wonder if hesupergirls mother was the same lol. if she was then the aunt was probably put in the phantom zone without reason.

good episode

why would i not be? the show is comic book related. i can tell when i watch jessica jones they wont be telling me she is a women. its obvious.

take a shot for everytime they mention girl power or how women are deemed inferior to men. i wanna like the show, i am not blindfully bashing it like a lot of people but if this keeps up i am going to get bored of it.

i think this episode is gonna go down as one of the best in south park

the show really needs to calm down is the feminism. i hope they did it cause it was the first episode and will stop now. its a comic show so guys will watch this too. and looking at the rating they did. its really not good to remind everyone that its a female lead show.

dont like that jay just disappeared… he should have just gone in the portal.

caitlyn was so damn unlikable this episode. holy sht… she was a right bit*h.
and joes reaction to harriosn wells name was so funny. the acting in htis is really bad
i love how the flash costume is just out of show in star labs…

and simmons will be pregnant too haha