
and its not as black and white as the op seems to think it is. there is going to be a triangle it seems because simmons seems to care a lot about fitz. shown at the scene before the flare went off

really good episode, i wonder what that thing was. and i wonder if gemma was infected by it like the astronauts were since she did survive in the sandstorm before she met will. evil gemma? muahahaha

a man and a women spending months together without any other humans… its not shocking at all. and she lost all hope since, she thought she was stuck there forever.

and as quickly as it sailed… the fitz-simmons ship and sunk.

awesome pilot.

they do work… they caught a serial killer last week lol

i loved the movie… should i watch this? not watched cartoons since young justice and avengers ended because the new avengers show was too kiddy and i couldnt get into it.

i also have no idea what the hell arya starks story was all about this season.

so much set up that the score really doesnt deserve an A

that walk of shame went on for so long… i was so damn bored.

that ending was so haunting… convinced these white walkers cant be stopped.

damien is really turning out to be great… 3 episodes in and i dont wanna drop arrow. looks like they took on teh criticism. season 3 had so much potential but all i remember is saras death, oliver and felicity making me wanna poke my eyes out and that terrible final fight. i cant believe they screwed up the LOS.

i dont know if its cause i am getting older or what but the sparring with nissa and rah al ghul was so damn cheesy. she literally has a knife to his throat she keeps saying i will kill you lmao. so weird.

now that we have canary back can we kill laurel now… please???

i am fine with how community ended. great show but it was never going to last when troy left. it lost a lot of great characters. hell, even side characters were great but the last season only has starburns in 1 episode and we only ever saw old man lennord and the geek. a lot of them were missing, i missed pop pop.

go and think about characters that have died… not every one is black

that was why he had may

maybe its like a system where ward need to call off the killing every hour. something like that. if he doesnt call then andrew is killed.

theory going around that andrew is lash. could explain why lash never killed daisy when he had the chance. also the hydra kid left looking scared.

i am pretty sure lash is with the ATCU and he is that baldy guy. i remember a couple episodes ago they had bodies with holes in them so they dont even need the inhumans to be alive. this was just so shield didnt have to go to their base.