
did you seriously open up with shield loves to kill black men… -_-

come on… a solar blast is the reason all this is happeing?

theory time…

south park is really on a roll this season… this new concept of an overarching plot where things matter and effects the next episodes is really helping. i wish more shows did it… american dad semi does it. would be great to see simpsons do it

felicity is so annoying, she is all tears when she has to simply fire someone yet when someone could DIE she is trying to make witty remarks when the team is fighting. she is a dumb ass and needs to die.

read the first line

didnt this show have a sht tonne of hype for it? looking at the review scores it looks terrible haha

when they were fighting sanddemon (they should have had a sandman joke haha) i thought that barry was going to miss SD and strike jay giving him powers back. but he ends depowering himself because he gave half of his speedforce to jay

harrison well is going to be wells? :O it would be a shame if we didnt get a few episodes in earth 2. hopefully zoom throws barry into earth 2 during the midseason finale. jay will probably get his powers back by then so he will be protecting earth 1 while they find a way to return to each others earths.

you know zoom probably is barry haha.

a lot better than the first episode. hardly any of that dumb sht. they need to calm down on the blur effect for zoom, it worked for RV because he had color but zoom is all black and i just dont like it on him.

i dunno, i just think barry is racist towards earth 2. he kills them but keeps his villains alive.

she is right you know

zoom is lazy. he can defeat his worlds flash, jay is clearly stronger than barry. but zoom doesnt kill barry himself. logic!!

in 2 episodes flash has killed 2 people… kinda funny because arrow doesnt kill

its purposely done that way… its damn obvious. couples have relationship problems all the time if they lose their child. they are together just for the sake of killing evos. and now they are not.

she went on about saving the future but killed herself before telling us anything. what a fuking idiots… writers were really dumb

the new enemy is amazing. i wanna see more stories with them in the future.

read some comments. there are quite a lot

everyone hates felicity