
i didnt know what you were trying to imply because i dont come to this site often. but i was just surprised the reviewer likes the show this season. compared to 2 arrow has been trash. lets hope season 4 is good… needs a big change. i think they should start calling it green arrow. it will give the show a boost it

lmao… going by ratings on this site… agents of shield has been a worse season than arrow this season xD. arrow has had way more As too… that is so insane. shield has been non stop awesomeness.

most arrow episodes have been a c.

this show gets overrated and AOS gets underrated on this site… i dont know how this got a b and shield doesnt get a A. this episode was a C and AOS was an A

at least the fight was better than the slade fight… but even teh fight was bad. they clearly were going slow. it looked toy fighting… i see kids doing that stuff all teh time. oh arrow… i will give you a few episodes of next season… but i cant keep watching this if it isnt good anymore… and before people complain at

what a god damn awful season… wow. i am stunned. i kept expecting somthing to happen at the en. tehy need to change felicity or kill her. this show is so hard to watch for me now. yet season 2 was so good. what happened??? the comic stuff just doesnt fit in this series… i dont care what anyone says. im a huge comic

just as that ship sails… she gets taken away.

reminded me of the hulk bottle scene xD

the person he cared about just died… he has motivation and i will be shocked if he and hunter dont meet for a fight or 2 next season

i wonder how far they will take the inhumans… with they basically make them x men characters? XD. i dont expect things like wolverine where its totally obvious. but i think marvel found their loop hole with the x men.

im really happy about the loss and sacrifice this finale… some people might have expected death but i dont want there to be death for the sake of it (talking about the main team). that moment coulsen saved them i was excited and then i realised what he grabed… and that scene where his arm is cut off… wow. that was

ward isnt going to be running hydra… he will have his own band of people. its the same with the inhuman plot. it isnt going to be huge in the movies. it might explain there being powers in the movies but thats really it.

seriously… how was this not an A?

laurels scream is fuking hilarious… i hate her so much. why did they get rid of the last one. shame…. and felicity… why is she so damn annoying. this show is starting to be painful to watch. i will give season 4 a few episodes before i decide to stick with it or not… im only giving it these changes because season 2

any idea what that rock was in the shield hellicarrier? also great to see shield is canon in mcu and knowing where the hellicarrier came from in the AOU movie was great. too bad coulsen was not there nor the agents. skye probably would have been able to save the world with her powers.

cant believe jiaying did that… i loved the inhuman stuff this season and its kinda disappointing its gonna end this way. i really hope its a major part of next season. inhumans made this show one of the best comic series… imo the best. great episode. cant wait to see how it end… just as well coulsen didnt meet her xD

gordon in this episode was pissing me off so much… thank god he never did anything stupid in the end and saw through reina cause that would have made this episode terrible

i really enjoyed this show. i really dont care for chapman. i have no idea why they are writing her the way they are. she is the one that has caused all the problems with larry and her friends. yet are we supposed to feel sympathy for her when larry wants to move on?

shield is too good… i find myself being disappointed when the episodes are over lmao, i want more. i love flash but i dont get that feeling when its finished. probably because shield is more serialized. its just like one big arc instead of episodic stories with a a bit of an overarching plot being revealed.

the season as a whole was pretty damn perfect… i have no complaints at all. i have seen every episode too of P&R. i cannot believe i nearly stopped watching because season 1 was so bad… but so glad i did. ron swanson is hilarious