
yes… thank god it was an amazing finale. i totally missed the library joke lol. i only got it when i read this xD

i dont know the comics. but inhumans so seem more interesting right now to me.

all this and we aint even seen ward yet lol

inhumans are way more interesting than xmen imo… i really wish we got this with xmen. they focused way too much on wolverine. and like who gives a damn… if fox dont wanna do it marvel will find a way and luckily for them they have somthing similar to xmen… the inhumans. i dont know why people try and spin it to be a

i thought when skye was born there was an attack and everyone died… that did happen right? someone is lying. wonder how its going to end because everyone is way too happy. i guess the coulsen story will end this season and the inhumans side with skye will continue into next season.

i love this whole inhuman story… seriously… i never hated skye but i didnt expect her to become my favorite character lol. i wanna just see her training. hell, i even really liked cal this episode. i wonder if he will be good or if they will get rid of him… cant imagine him being a main character so maybe he will

the scene did happen… the blind guy was talking to reina and lincoln was there too. when the blind guy left lincoln was talking to reina and she kept talking about her dreams… they are just nightmares and dreams of skye and her family. she described the dream to lincoln and thats what he ended up seeing at the end.

so what is in furys toolbox? i thought it was going to be the hydra algorithm from cap 2 where they can find anyone they deem a threat and eliminate them. i guess that was not it. i thought they would use that to progress the story of coulson being a threat

probably… no, is the most important episode in the whole phase 1 of netflix. sticks war is probably the defenders series. iron fist is going to be extremely important too and will be the direct link up to the defenders like captain america was for avengers

i bet oliver has decided to go and be the demons head during the roy goodbye. rah al ghul just made a mistake lol. he should have done it earlier in the season

finally… something happens… rah al ghul and the assassins have been terrible villains this season. so much potential wasted with so many filler crap episodes. this season of arrow has been unwatchable at points… hope they make the show good from here on out.

why couldnt thawne just tell her that he cant tell her because its not his secret to tell… jesus christ… and she is just making an excuse to dumb him.

my god… felicity is so damn annoying. wow… she made this show unbearable this week.

boring episode… part was the angry dragons. wonder what that means for later.

the show was just something i wasnt ready for… takes a while to get used to marvel and the gore that is in this… for example, first 4 eps have suicide, bone popping out skin and heads being bashed in… marvel really went all out. i know they said they could get away with more because its netflix. but i didnt expect

explains it in a later episode… basically buys all the stuff online and doesnt know how to make suits.

great week for comic book shows! loving sheild… its too good and the stuff with sky is just amazing. really loving the inhuman stuff, cant wait for the next episode.

such a good episode. one of my favorites in the whole series.
really hope people come back, shield is the best comic show on tv right now. arrow s2 was amazing but this seasn has been awful, it lacks a villain like deathstroke. rahs al ghul has been so underused. flash has been amazing so it just does to show how good

the last 10 minutes wont mean a damn thing though… cisco will live and iris will not know the secret.
i think cisco should stay dead to get really personal. look at arrow, S2 was amazing because of deathstroke, he was an amazing villain. then look at rahs al ghul… what a disappointment. hes done nothing.

i think this was the first time a cigarette went to his mouth. ive actually liked how they have worked around the whole issue