Corey Stoll's wig

In the director's defense, his recent work directing game of thrones episodes has likely rendered him physically incapable of filming scenes that exclude sexposition.

The scene would've been infinitely better if the director froze on our three leads jumping in mid air for a group high five.

I'm hopeful that this season becomes so bad that it shoots the moon and becomes a classic, like 'the room.'

OK, I'll be that guy. This season already seems like a pale shadow of the first season. The directing is pedestrian and Michael Bay-esque (i'm looking at you, mulholland sign and spinny camera of 3 cop leads shiftily glancing at each other at the end), the actors are miscast (Colin Farrell's timing and line delivery

Ugh, as soon as I saw that sign I yelled 'ugh, justin fucking lin.'

What sorcery is this? I keep clicking the up arrow but the number only goes up one.

The surrealism was so thick in this episode that it finally became literal in the Rachel scene.

As it turns out, the actress playing the waitress also played Rust's short-term girlfriend from 'True Detective.' Must've been something about the hair that threw me.

I must be face blind because I was sure the waitress was Midge from season 1, and that Don had just completely erased her from his memory. It never occurred to me that the waitress was supposed to resemble Rachel.

You make good points that actually lead me an opposite conclusion- Jimmy would be a great addition to HHM.

Maybe it's my Wednesday coffee-addled brain, but your comment depressed me greatly.

As someone who knows nothing about acting, thank you for the insight. I never thought about a performance as one of many possible 'outcomes.'

'You said 'rapport!' You didn't dumb it down.'

I respectfully disagree about Jimmy's pride being the obstacle to a deal. I think Kim's scene with Hamlin was right on the nose- the deal was wrong because it wasn't *fair.* For all the talk about the law and procedural maneuvers, the way Jimmy was treated was fundamentally unfair and douchey.

Kim: 'Don't feel bad Jimmy. I ordered you half Canadian bacon, half pesto pizza soaked in vodka and scotch.'

…or is it? I sense a potential cross-over.

TWD has always been extremely loose with lighting (and story, and dialogue, and character motivations, and etc.). The reviewer 'yourmoviesucks' on youtube had an especially embarrassing example from episode 1 of season 2 in which twd mixes footage from morning, midday and late afternoon. It's actually kind of amusing

'Rick inspects every kernel of corn in my bowel movements. He's very thorough that way. My point is 'Rick likes poo.''

This was a strong few days of television. Black Sails went out with a literal bang and the glorious massacre of an elaborate set, the walking dead was surprisingly less incompetent bordering on decent, and BCS achieved a kind of apotheosis of character arc. Come at me, Madmen-bros.

Maybe hamlindigo isn't such a bad color after all…