^^^^^ this ^^^^^
^^^^^ this ^^^^^
Excellent breakfast. Their breakfast power bowl is delicious.
Huh, I lived in SC and GA in the late 90's. I always felt they thought the war was not quite over yet. Also, it was affectionately called the “war of northern aggression.”
Damn, Jalopnik... Obviously, that last trip to the vet. Wow, just wow.
Loved the model, hate these mods. ND
Well, I’ll do you a HUGE favor and take that 365 GTC/4 off your hands for you. I’m pretty great that way, so willing to sacrifice.
When I was a kid, which is some time ago, there was a drive-through liquor/ammunition store just outside of Arena. Guns + booze + driving, that’s a good time.
Glad he likes his Jeep. ND
Finally this is getting some attention. I hate road salt. It is insane how cities just dump piles and piles of this stuff on the roads, which drain into rivers and lakes, and don’t seem to be able to connect the dots.
Looks like something I would do with a Pop Rivet gun. For that alone I give it a NP ND
Counterpoint: No, it is not.
The second gen Volt was pretty nifty.
Re that Datsun 510: Excuse me? How much?
Same thought. Why does this need an article? Slow week I guess.
Can’t even pick up the pen cap?
I really hope at least one of these actually sees a track event. Even better if it shares the track with some other cars during that event. But I am not going to hold my breath.
Where would you get parts?
Why? Sumpm’ up?
You NAILED this article. In high school, mid 80's, I worked at the Madison Hildale location as a bus boy. It was a hard, dirty job. But damn, I used to eat the crap out of it then, and later during college (lower State Street location). The key was their thick aluminum pans with a good amount of oil in the bottom and…