“LAVA soap and aloe wipes”
“LAVA soap and aloe wipes”
When I grew up in WI, no f-ing roundabouts. Now???? It can only be that somebody’s cousin owns a roundabout construction company.
I agree the VW GTI is over-rated. But regarding the MB 300 TD wagon? You take that back!!!! That thing was glorious, from the Tex seats to those classic MB gauges from the era to good utility. The only problem was that they made the spark plug wires out of silicon. And in the Harz mountains, where the mighty…
You’ll get over it. Probably move on to further professional success and new-found personal satisfaction. Likely have a long life and die with friends and family present. It’s going to be great.... just a little stumble in the road, that’s all.
You wanna get your a$$ kicked? Because this is how you get your a$$ kicked.
As a co-internet user, I can provide that:
911's, still runnin’ that flat 6, after all these years.
Or delta variant. It causes a loss of taste. You can be a carrier even if you are fully vaxed, so be careful out there.
But hey, it’s a “momentum car”, right?
Ohhh, 240z. I thought you said 24 oz. Yours makes much more sense.
Your autocorrect replaced “vegans (veggies, hemp and bark fiber underwear)” with “oenophiles (wine)“
That’s way cooler than I was expecting.
That’s a really beautiful bike. Just awesome.
I flew to Turkey from Germany. The total mayhem of that taxi ride from the airport, after leaving the ordered driving culture in Germany, was pure terrified joy.
I bought my Volvo S60 CPO because it has that great warranty. Problem is, I never get to use it. Not a single problem on this car in the 3+ years of ownership. The worst I encountered that was not a road hazzard, but due to the build of the car itself was that the electronics started to act wonky a while back. But a…
Go get‘m Sgt Pegleg. Get him.
I dunno man. I live in Ohio, which went red. But I have not seen anything like that. Flags, yeah. That? Ughh, I am uncomfortable. Not yet...