Hmm, he can decide to not let her divorce him? Any he can simply decide not to pay alimony and child support?
Hmm, he can decide to not let her divorce him? Any he can simply decide not to pay alimony and child support?
Nice truck. And I’m guessing you already knew that.
I’ve got these. Pretty good stuff. That little circular saw is way better than it has any right to be.
I’ve got these. Pretty good stuff. That little circular saw is way better than it has any right to be.
Whew, I need a Gatorade. Anyway, here’s your star, even if just for effort.
As the owner of an old non-911 Porsche, HELL NO!
You might consider a divorce then. It will decrease that problem by, oh, about 50%. 8^|
Yeah, uhmmmm. No. There seems to be some sort of disagreement there.
Had a white one sans windows for general hauling. We named it “The Loaf”. Everybody needs a loaf.
Don’t laugh. This is a totally sentimental one.
Prelude was such a cool and slick little car. I loved every generation.
Holy Hell! That is a tent for an entire marching bad! (in non-pandemic times, of course).
Yeah, I gotta do that. Just that in the evening when I get home, I really like to have a little. I don’t get drunk, but I really enjoy it while winding down. But, I’m getting to the age when the body isn’t so resilient.
It creeps up in everyday ways. Like planning what to put in the garden, how to prioritize house improvements etc.. I would also say if I could find somebody willing to trade a used EV (Chevy Spark?) for my Porsche 944 as a second fun car, I would do it in a heart beat. In a selfish way, thankfully I live in an area…
Oh my. That is stunning.
The seller has piqued my interest. From the CL add:
Nope, Go for it.
Hey, lemme try.
I got my “’noods”. Kraft actually FedExed that stuff overnight. I had it the next day.
The damn C-pillar on new cars are structural and thus universally pretty big. Very limiting to seeing anything coming from the back sides.
David Tracy with the mic drop.