
Have your star, you magnificent bastard.

*Reads headline. Immediately starts scrolling to vote “CP”. Pauses for just a moment to notice the 3 pedals and stick. Shakes it off, scrolls and clicks CP.

Yes, I do feel a similar awkward discomfort in that I also do not know what it is to ‘mob’. But, it did allow me to predict exactly who wrote this piece before seeing the by-line.

Neglected and abandon, yes. But I bet you there is one rustier on the roads here in salt-loving NE Ohio.....

How do I star a title?

My ex had the equivalent ‘77 Mercury Cougar, orange exterior, AND orange interior. It was a horror show to look at. I don’t remember the engine, but it was HUGE, so was the car though. I had to turn the A/C off at stop signs/lights.... She totaled it. I asked what in the hell she could have hit to total that barge,

How does this not get more stars? I just don’t understand some things....

Viper: “I have 34 original miles”

Recently divorced, 49 year old male. I am new to dating, wanted to make sure I was not a basket case anymore, and enjoying it. In all instances, within a few minutes the woman asks, in some form or another, “OK, what happened. Tell me your story.” First time, I was kind of shocked, after reading all the ‘don’t talk

Holy sh*t. Just holy sh*t. This car has been nothing more than jewelry to the owner. A vase on the mantle.

Most times, one star is enough. But F*CK this deserves more than that.

That’s actually some really high quality work.....

No, just no. Hard pass.

Take your damn star you sicko.

What’s more confusing is the T5 naming convention that switched to a totally new engine a few years back (2010?). But yeah.

Volvo T6 is turbo- and supercharged. Hell of an engine.

2nd engine is lighter than a driveshaft? Maybe I didn’t understand the idea.

Can confirm, this was a great all-around car. Kind of the definition of ‘appliance’, but that was the strength of this generation. Wagon was even better.... Really a great car.

Was going to say:

Is it possible to have nested double C’sOTD??