
You do realize you sound real petty right now

It did a lot of that too especially early on with Antz. But stuff like Prince of Egypt or Road to El Dorado I would still call ambitious and at a point it was Disney ripping off Dreamworks with crap like Chicken Little.  I just don't see any creative spark at Illumination and they don't need it judging by how well

The A.V. Club?

They weren’t tricked. They wanted it made as well. Hollywood is run by a secret cabal of Honey Humpers, as bee fetishists call themselves.

Shrek showed us that there are good ways to crib from Disney. Shark Tale showed us that there are very bad ways to crib from Disney.

This was definitely the part of the novel that I found most terrifying whenever I have read it. It’s also a part of the book that most film adaptations tend to skip over (or cover only cursorily). I’m guessing the filmmakers here probably had similar feelings that it’s a part that could stand to be mined for what

Do you think of the people who had your job before you as your parents?

Yeah, I stopped reading there. 

Amen. The literal inspiration behind The Expanse was the authors wanting to write a story about how fucking annoying it is to have a paladin in an RPG party. That paladin is Jim “Sticks His True Good Dick In Everything” Holden.

I don’t know about you, but I appreciate when a review lets me know not to take it seriously really early on like that.

And him basically pulling one over on Avasarala in the pursuit of doing what is right is like how the show fucking ends things. Do these people even watch the shit they reference? That show opened with her illegally torturing someone.

yeah.  as much as i love her on the show, this is the correct take

So, this B- movie is better than “last year’s abysmal The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent,” which the AV Club review gave a... B+? Got it.

Huh. I had no idea that “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” was abysmal. You’d think I would have noticed that when I watched it. 

“moral center of The Expanse

I find it distracting how much Marilyn Manson looks like Marilyn Manson.

I disagree with this - I don’t think you can really cut any episodes from S1 and S2 and end up with the same product. I also think S5 is two seasons masquerading as one so AMC didn’t have to renew contracts with actors.

Strong disagree. You can’t lose anything from season two (one of the best seasons of television period) and season only feels off because it got cut short by the writer’s strike. Besides which the last season had to be extra long to fit everything. Gotta be a 5 season show. 

Eh, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul each needed more than four. I could see cutting BCS to five but not lower.

Rules like this don’t mean much, the real truth is that shows should end while they’re still good which is a tall order for any showrunner. 

I lean more toward 5 seasons as the sweet spot. Buffy’s 4th Season would have been a disappointing end, while Season 5 would have made for a fine finale. Babylon 5's 5-Season plan hit some stumbling blocks, but, overall, worked well (and would have worked even better without the cancel/uncancel situation). Supernatural