The ad hominem is strong in this one.
The ad hominem is strong in this one.
I've offered nothing but logically constructed opinions, while you have resorted to simple ad hominem and thick condescension. I can see there's no having a reasonable conversation with you, which is oddly rare for this site since most of the people here at least offer some semblance of coherence. Either way, this is…
Well at least not to you, oh worthy decider of what music is good or not. For the rest of humanity, though, it's simply an opinion by one guy on the internet. No more or less worthy of recognition than any other person commenting here. Thanks for the input though, especially that little condescending remark at the…
douchebag on internet has douchebag opinions. lululul. Seriously, how does him sounding like an idiot here have any bearing whatsoever on his musical talent? Try using critical thinking skills next time.
I'm a huge Say Anything fan but Bemis just makes himself out to be a douchey, faux-intellectual here.
No narrative sense? What show were you watching because it wasn't Hannibal.
Maybe he's a terrible adviser.
I disagree but okay then. Andrea was just starting to warm up to me as a character and it made no sense to kill her when they did.
Better than when Mazzara was running things. 'Hey, let's build up this prison fight between the Governor and Rick all season 3 long, but when the Governor finally attacks the prison, the fight will last ten seconds and then the Governor and his men will leave just 'cause. Also, Andrea dies because she can't fight off…
So in other words, you have no idea what a humanist is. Thanks for clarifying.
I just found out that the director of this film is from the town right next to mine. I weep for Michigan…
It's not about what I can disprove, it's about what you can prove. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You claim there's a God, you bring me proof. Otherwise, why should I listen to a word you have to say? And the books you mentioned don't provide evidence, they just provide affirmation to someone…
After doing some research, I realized that you write for a satire site and that this comment is actually comedy gold. My hat's off to you, sir.
In other words, "I have nothing relevant to add and I didn't even read your comment."
Oh right, isn't that the one where that wizard defeats that other evil wizard who killed his parents? Oh wait, I'm sorry, I must be getting my fictional works mixed up.
How can it be thought provoking when it's one sided?
So box office results speak to quality? So by that logic, the Transformers movies are some of the best films ever made.
Oh wow! That's true. Well that's proof enough for me!
I don't think the word "proof" is in his lexicon.
And the movie itself doesn't attack atheists? Oh right, it's only attacking when the religious are the "victims."