
Yes because we want reviews to be rushed out and poorly thought through in order to be “FIRST!”. Embargoes allow for an even playing field, giving reviewers ample time to thoroughly play through and analyze the game. I for one appreciate getting a heads up beforehand if a game is going to be awesome or not, knowing

The difference between No Man’s Sky and most games with procedural generation is this: the assets themselves are procedurallly generated through very advanced math. Most games use very simple algorithms to lay out dungeons, but all of the assets are hand crafted. No Man’s Sky doesn’t do this.

Video games occupy this interesting space where they’re both art and product, and nothing illustrates that more than the way reviews work. On one hand, reviewers (should) want to write interesting critiques that dig into whether a game does what it set out to do, and how it makes players feel. On the other hand, we

If you saw the leaks, then you would know that aside from the occassional Ice world or Dessert planet, that all of the planets being really unique and different (and same but to a lesser extent with the creatures) is one of the few promises kept with the game.

Everyone is freaking out about stuff that is not balanced

Some but not a whole lot

But Skyrim isn’t using random procedural generation outside of random encounters.