Now imagining that Taylor is giving those kids copies of Shaun White’s dick pic.
Now imagining that Taylor is giving those kids copies of Shaun White’s dick pic.
Screw, Marry and Kill.
You pay a few billion to cover 2 weeks of “amateur” events and you can dictate the schedule. Maybe when Dingo Baby eating is more than a spectator sport, Australia can determine the time.
A marriage isn’t successful until there’s a body count.
The fact that the Russians have doped up their para-Olympians just shows that this out of control.
If NBC had tape delayed the event, she would have lived another 7 hours plus a segment with Hoda.
Thanks to the internet websites, this generation does have a chance to get laid a lot more than Clint’s era. He meant that when he talked about Pussy?
Maybe they’ll allow Skip to repeat his rant about cutting back on Mountain Dew? Skip will have a bigger audience when he practices his hot takes at the urinal.
This isn’t like your old man saying, “Screw this line at Red Lobster, we’re going to Olive Garden.” There’s a lot of things that must be set up such as security, travel, hotels, printing tickets, getting sponsors to move their expensive set ups to the new locale, a new hole in the drug testing center’s wall for the…
Where is this woman now? You say she lived, but we need proof of life.
Nothing in this bill to prevent Jerry Sandusky and Dennis Hastert from gang raping boys in school bathrooms.
As if Felix ever uses public restrooms. Makes me happy that the NHL screwed him over when he tried to get an expansion franchise for Raleigh and the Whalers moved down here instead.
If Tim Wakfield’s fastball was a car going past Fenway, it would also have its license suspended.
Now a DH has plenty of time to go back to the training table to get wrapped up.
Not quite a unbelievable as his cousin “RealJagsFan.”
She went to Trump University’s night school. She doesn’t graduate until Donald gets served papers.
Did anyone see if her eyes were blinking the real message to the masses?
What happens when your toddler wipes her face with your marked towel and rips her eyeballs out on a Towel Charm? Does this woman not think of the children?
All those Trump erections around Manhattan yet with such short fingers.