
I'm looking forward to a Gomey cameo, a Gomeo if you will.

I can't wait for him to go shopping for kids' toys and to have a scene of him strewing them around his house before he has a guest over.

Exactly! Besides, Charlize "turned left" in Mad Max Fury Road which kicked the whole plot into motion. I mean, if she simply turned left and ran out of harms way in Prometheus, then those same people would still be complaining, only this time about how she always turning left or something ;)

Giving oneself a chronic headache is the only way to forget about those scenes. I call this dizzying feeling in my head the Hurley Whirly.

I totally agree with you. I loved this one. It almost felt like its own little stand-alone story.
I reckon by the end of the season if there are people who still don't quite like this episode, then they should try watching it as episode 1 instead of episode 3. That way it'd be a nice segue for them from the 70's of

Move in

Haha yes! Dee as Peggy and Cricket as Ed! Also, the McPoyles as the Kitchen Bros!

That bit was the best. I was just about on the verge of tears and then I almost choked with laughter and couldn't stop giggling when she asked for a picture (and with her iPad of course haha!)

Gotta keep in mind the Chip we're seeing in these flashbacks is through Chip's own eyes, whereas we saw Chip in season 1 as everyone else views him. Of course he's going to look less scruffy and act more polite to people in his own memories ;)

A few good men can turn into such jokers once puns enter a thread!

Richard Gere's middle name is Tiffany. You're welcome :D

Bloody well put!

Spot on. Jimmy will admit sometime in the future that he does his schemes and cons because it makes him feel alive., not because of anyone else or their actions.

Maybe Jimmy will hold onto that quote like how Walter so desperately clung to the line that he was "doing it for his family." It might take a while, but I reckon Jimmy will admit sometime down the line that he does what he does not because of his brother or anyone else, but because he likes how it makes him feel.

I wouldn't mind seeing the mouthy dude end up permanently in that dolly…


Hamlin always gave me the Dave Davidson vibe.

I couldn't agree more, and I'm glad someone else thinks this! I mentioned a while ago also that this is the Breaking Bad universe, where us mere viewers are duped into rooting for an underdog protagonist before having the rug yanked out beneath our feet and shown the protagonists true colours. How fast said rug is

I feel your pain, bud!

You gotta buy the Cinco Possess Your Child Doll Kit to go with it. You can choose whichever spirit you want to inhabit your doll! From Cinco.