
Because half of our country is comprised of sentient beings who care about others and the planet and the other half of our country is is comprised of unevolved, gun worshipping, women and minority hating, banjo plucking nitwits (their only redeeming quality is appreciating the lovely banjo instrument) who are

Because we had to do something so we didn’t go from an uppity negro to a nasty woman! What about all the Muslims who want to kill us all! Heaven forbid! Any white man will do. (I wish I was kidding, too.)

Also as “punishment” by rednecks and hillbillies for subjecting them to the misery of a brilliant black man as president.

But mostly fear, which leads to hate.

A lot of people who live here are fucking idiots. It’s really that simple.

Because our country was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and it’s finally coming back to haunt us.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

The process goes like this:

He rewrote the tweet for 11 minutes and this is what he settled on

I don’t think he wants to fuck Rosie. I think he expects that all women should want to fuck HIM because he’s rich, famous and white and when he sleazes on most women (his quote) “And when you’re a star, they let you do it.” And Rosie is gay AF and that just pisses him off to no end. Not only does she not like Donald,

To be clear-I’m an observant Jew and literally the first thing I do after sundown Saturday is check the news. They have staff for this kind of stuff. That is the lamest excuse for her poorly thought out IG post ever.

It’s not about the price of the gown but how she posted about it on Instagram- at a gala ball- while United States visa holders were being detained without food and medicine due to the policies her family had a direct hand in. Nobody would care about the stupid dress if she hadn’t posted about it at such a

He also seems pretty damn anti-Semitic for someone who counts Jewish people among his nearest and dearest though. I have no doubt he’d have no qualm throwing either group of people under the bus.

It’s also entirely possible - and hear me out here - that it’s RPatz that he’s attracted to and not KStew. He seems mightily worried about poor Robert and not so much about Kristen.

Yup. He knew there was money to be made from the gay community. He doesn’t give a shit what bathroom Caitlyn Jenner uses, he just wants to make sure she rents a room there.

Correction: Donald Trump has used many gay people. He does not care about them. He might not hate them, but make no mistake he does not not care about them at all. He happily uses them but will throw them under the bus to please the bigot voting bloc within a heartbeat.

I trust a post-Taco Bell fart more than I trust Trump.

Far as I can tell, Trump himself is not homophobic. He is many other things, but not that.