I like caravans more
But he can play My Heart Will Go On as good as this guy?
If you are alone and choking and think you are going to die, the first step should be to delete your browser history.
http://jezebel.com/oksana-chusovi… they did! Yesterday
This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.
If a feature no one knows how to use breaks, is it really broken?
It sounds like you might not know what Genji does...
Margaret Atwood.
bae’s an acronym and doesn’t actually mean babe or whatever. It means “Before Anything Else.” Horrible misinformation OP.
Another one. Stop going in one at a god damn time
Listen, I’m not defending Larry.
Still haven’t picked up GTAV... probably should... but the hit-detection is super impressive here. That slo-mo baseball bat action though was downright disturbing.
If they vomit into each other’s mouths but keep lip contact, are they still in?
And they had the proof it was fake in their own email in box.
I mean, just to be clear, you admitted that the “story didn’t sit right” with you yesterday, but still wrote it anyway? Like, your gut told you this might be some sort of hoax, but decided to take the risk of publicizing anyway? Probably, because, you know, pageviews.
You totally fell for a hoax without doing your basic legwork or using some journalistic common sense, and now you’re trying to cover your tracks and hide your shame by lashing out at the band. You yourself are taking no responsibility what so ever for your part in perpetuating this by being a bad journalist.