
Sounds like you’re either:

Sooooo Casual? 15-15 CS is miserable and horribly chaotic. The maps just can’t support 30 people.

I love the dichotomy of his party boy persona vs. his save-the-earth-we-only-have-one image. I imagine he howled with the boys then was all like “but for real guys, wolves are really endangered.”

This is how he really looked before his defense team reinvented him as a harmless nerd:

At least it’s not Assassin’s Creed concept art.

Agree on the second, disagree on the first. WORLD OF TOMORROW WAS ROBBED.

Answer the question, Jim.

“we all have to fuck the goat” is my new patriarchy metaphor i think

Who has to fuck the goat?

Jim what’s your limit

Are you then saying that you find the rest of the question perfectly reasonable?

People only do if you choose to tell them, goats do not because they are goats.

i wouldn’t

Predicted lupe maneuvers : kick, push, kick, push. Coast.


“What kind of things do you like me to do with you body?” Jeb said as I looked over the contract. “Do you like it when I keep it from healthcare?” Oh my. My inner goddess screams YES but I blush.

Thank goodness there are people here who know how to post .gifs to show how angry they are and how they’d totally handle the situation if they were a superhero/Jack Nicholson/an anime character.