
It’s not just a sport, it’s arguably the most pure and undiluted form of it accepted today.

I disagree with an awful lot of what’s being said here. Although the author may never have seen this happen before, it’s actually not particularly uncommon. Stann, Santos, Cyborg, Hunt and Brown have all done it in the last few years, but those are only the first ones who come to mind. Hell, walking off before the ref

I love my Vita. It’s awesome. It’s the greatest machine ever created for RPG lovers and has fantastic games in almost every other genre you could name.

I was thinking the same thing. Getting the first two out there is going to be really crucial for assuring that the third sells well. 1999 must be at least 5 years ago now. Right?

The scene that always stayed with me was Sephiroth walking out of the flames. I can’t wait for that, or the opening flower-seller sequence. Chills.

I did something similar recently with my iSpy robot tank. I filmed it's first introduction to my cat Gina both from it's onboard camera and from a secondary angle. She was so absolutely and unquestionably terrified that I deleted both sets of footage immediately and spent the rest of the evening stroking and feeding

Do Nintendo really make that much profit off hardware? I always thought it was the software where the money was made.

The PS Vita is alive and kicking. It's a huge seller in Japan and quality games keep coming out on it to complement it's enormous and varied back-catalogue. Just because it isn't very well represented in Sony's marketing in the US and Europe doesn't mean it isn't still a fantastic system to own and a great time to own

Are you joking? The Vita is an RPG fan's dream machine.

Is this a thing? That's pretty funny if true as it entirely undermines the entire premise of the article.

But permadeath in roguelikes is important. It raises the stakes and makes your choices more meaningful. Giving the player a mulligan undermines the core principle of the genre.

In Driveclub? Rain makes an enormous difference. Even the difference between 'pretty wet' and 'very wet' is noticeable.

For pure beauty, I've always enjoyed 'Cellar door'. All those soft sounds leading up to that beautiful rolling R at the end. Lovely.

Only you can answer that. I'd be more interested in why you chose to reply so aggressively, and for that matter, so unintelligibly. Either way; thank you, I shall.

I think you have a problem with basic writing.

I answered this above.

You're disappointed that Drive Club, a racing game, didn't allow you to unlock the ability to jump?

You formed your opinion after a few laps? That makes sense.

You've played it then?

Really? I've played tens of hours of Driveclub on a 50"+ screen and it's all kinds of smooth.