
Mayweather clearly caught him behind the ear with that first hook and Tenshin’s equilibrium went, which is why he flailed around like a man who suddenly doesn’t know which way is up. It’s an incredibly common reaction to getting hit there.

It’s a travesty that so many species of birds still lack basic access to food and information.

Verily, I doth agree. What need hath we of this, mine fere?

Entertaining article but that thing about Bisping’s habit of circling into power punches is an oft repeated fallacy. He did it in the Henderson fight and got horrifically KO’d but in 34 professional fights that is the only time he’s ever been caught and finished like that. He’s only been stopped by strikes twice, and

I’m with you there mate. The best thing about the Vita for me is just being able to play it in bed. Sometimes I’ll glance over and see the missus is asleep, reach quietly into my drawer and just slink under the covers with it and a pair of headphones. It’s like being ten years old again. Playing games from 1994 helps

I’ll be honest and say that the vast majority of JRPGs I play on it are not new releases. In my opinion there’s nobody releasing anything in the genre that even approaches the quality of the games of yesteryear (Chrono Trigger, Suikoden, Grandia, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy 3 etc.). For me, having a library like that

No. JRPGS are a genre. Japanese is not required.

But... I only just got over my Shovel Knight addiction...

Why? The Vita’s sold over 4 million units in Japan. For a JRPG lover like myself, it’s a fantastic machine.

It’s interesting that you say the difference between the G27 and G29 is negligible but say you’d struggle to pick between the G29 and the Thrustmaster T300 if the latter had the extra peddle. In my experience, the T300 is a far better wheel than the G27.

I played SARPBC frequently right from release up until Rocket League launched. It was a great game and really isn’t all that different from its successor. I think word of mouth at the time of launch (and PS+ on PS4) had a lot to do with the success of Rocket League. Everyone I introduced SARPBC to loved it, but try

You’d need an earpiece in the ref’s ear or a buzzer in his pocket that the corners could activate, as I guess that even verbal communication could be argued to be a distraction.

Uh.. thanks? I don’t think anyone was confused by your comment.

Yeah obviously, but in combat sports its reasonable to assume we’re talking literally, since boxing corners still throw towels to end fights. Regardless, an MMA corner can’t figuratively throw in the towel either.

I was with you right up until you said Rocket League was a better name. How dare you?

No. Throwing the towel in is not allowed under the unified rules of MMA.

Actually, no they don’t. The only people who can stop the fight are the fighters or the referee. Throwing in the towel is technically a foul in MMA under the unified rules. It’s argued that it could distract a fighter and that distraction could lead to more damage being taken.

To be fair, the bare knuckle argument does revolve around a certain amount of sound logic. Basically, a fighter cannot punch as hard without risking breaking their hands. Strikes to the head are far more risky than body shots as a solid connection with a forehead will turn your hand into a meat bag full of bone

There’s nothing more gay than two highly trained athletes engaging in unarmed combat in a cage for money. Fabulous!!

It’s not just a sport, it’s arguably the most pure and undiluted form of it accepted today.