
The launch really hasn’t been that terrible. AT all. Stop saying that, it’s driving me nuts. Very rarely do launches on server-based games with massive numbers of players go well in the slightest. This one has been pretty average, and faaaaaaaar from terrible.

Something tells me this was a genius customer service scheme to allow the devs to reapond to glitches by suggesting players eat shit and die.

Now playing

A game that’s been around for decades covered in new candy skin and non-gamers get hooked on it.

Ridiculous. A game that’s been around for decades covered in new candy skin and non-gamers get hooked on it. Thinking it’s an original idea and made tons of money. This is the side of the gaming industry I don’t like, because one day this sort of thing could take over the industry. The problem with Activision’s

Umm fuck you.

we can make this story true by sheer force of will

Geesh. Any cop willing to give someone a DUI for that is an even bigger douche. Sounds like eating shit is punishment enough.

Man. I thought I was the only person who regularly uses “ate their lunch”. More extreme examples are of course “eating their lunch for breakfast”.

Hopefully he’ll crochet a magic flute and just skip to world-8

But not Curb, Dream On, Larry Sanders, Entourage. But sure, stream all the John From Cincinnati and Hung that you can possibly endure.

No, she isn’t. She’s buying cereal - that’s bush league. For a proper munchie run you need:

1.) At least one crispy treat that will make your breath smell of the undead (Cool Ranch Doritos, Funyuns, etc.)

2.) At least one chewy candy (Red Vines, gummy bears, etc).

3.) At least one “bakery” item so stuffed with

Do you regularly comply with wild animal's orders?

You are saying that summary execution is a just consequence for running for your life in America. Is that what you mean to be saying? Because it's what you are saying.

So I'm black.

Actually, both men served in the Coast Guard. Guess how many stories mention that the victim served compared to those mentioning the murderer served?

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Fucking a. I came in wanting to say "Not for me". And its true. Every cop I've ever met, even when I fucked up as a teenager, was nice (or at least... respectfully assertive).

it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.

It's is much ado about nothing, which is his whole point. This writer is trying to make him look petulant and awful, but really he's being quite reasonable (and snarky, but who doesn't love a bit of deserved snark?).

...Is it bad that this seems pretty reasonable to me? I mean, refusal to use any capital letters aside. The original rider seemed pretty standard, and definitely not worthy of as much as has been written about it, and I'm sure it's got to be annoying to still be talking about it to anyone that interviews him. Plus, he