
This is a prime example of the dangers of brakes on cars.

Welcome to fricken 70% of America and 105% of the FRICKEN SOUTH.

Sometimes I'm blown away at how people will freak out and slow down while a cop is on the side of the road, lights on, in the middle of writing a ticket. Trust me, he is not going to notice or care that you were 10mph over and rush from his current perp to pull you over. Unless you are doing ludicrous speed, hes

This is huge. Really. It's an acknowledgement of the modern world. For all his flaws, this is the first pope we have that seems to have advanced beyond the fifteenth century. Bravo.

I have to say, it's shitty that the Oregon players are receiving more punishment than the rapist in this situation.

I choose to interpret it as a sign of feminist alliance, miming a castration gesture in solidarity with rape survivors: a gesture that signals the importance of punishing offenders and standing up for victims. Or, they could just be happy as fuck that they beat the shit out FSU's felonious morons, thiefs & rapists.

"And hopefully it won't go to his head"

"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

An interesting book that I feel applies to this analysis is "Society Must Be Defended!" by French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault. In this book, compiled from a series of lectures he gave, he begins by asking himself what insights might be gained from an inversion of the famous Clausewitz aphorism, "politics

Last I checked, gangsters have committed to a life of crime. Cops have taken an oath to uphold it.

On Deadspin, which this isn't

"Fuckin A Brother" is why people are so pissed off.

Of all of the really stupid comments in the grays that I read because I hate myself, I want to single this one out because I think it's truly a monumental achievement in tone-deafness to imagine that young black men are being more detrimentally affected by sympathetic Deadspin articles than by being MURDERED.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! "Convenient" how you have to go all the way back to 1994 to find a case where a black guy was acquitted!

Reporter: Marshawn, do you feel dehumanized? Treated like property?

Answering every question with a "yeah" is what got me fired from my job as a suicide hotline operator.

Define "household". Am I a member of my parents' household, even though I'm 30 and don't live with them? What about my boyfriend, whom I see far more often? What about my landlord, who actually lives in the same house I do, but with whom I rarely converse (or my other housemates, who are on such different schedules