
I’m sure it doesn’t register high on many other people’s lists, but I can’t wait for them to add the Joe Don Baker classic “Mitchell”.

Per Hank Azaria...

Did I total dream it or wasn’t there an actual helicopter a few episodes back?

An art collective is the most improbable group I can think of to survive the zombie apocalypse.

I wouldn’t call having zombies throughout the episode a “new” trick, but it was a nice, nostalgic touch.

How’d he die? He went psychotic from hearing his dad say his name too many times and ate his own face.

Who hurt you?

Don’t forget half of them also wipe standing up.

This is directed more at littles, but the ones that get my blood boiling are the ignorant fucking teenagers on the DC metro. Nobody wants to hear your shit music coming through your shitty not-an-iphone. NOR DO WE WANT TO SEE YOU DANCE TO IT. Fuck those kids.

Feel better about yourself? Dick.

but so is a giant chunk of rock salt, and you’re not going to use that to flavor your food.

It better have adorable interviews of Ian and Patrick Stewart together.

Thank you for mentioning this, but it isn’t just Discovery. Aside from Spock, I had the same feeling about Vulcans in the JJ movies. It’s like the makeup folks just don’t know how to do Vulcan ears anymore.


Since the Defiant reaches the Mirror Universe 100 years earlier you could assume there would be a corresponding tech advance, leading to the Charon.

Incorrect about The Defiant. The original Defiant was caught in an interspacial rift in the TOS episode “The Tholian Web”. In phased out of the prime universe and into another.

They said “If Jon Gruden’s IQ were one point less, he’d be a plant.” And everybody in Philadelphia agreed with the guy.

Shut up, SMEG

“Dominant halves?” Holy shit, the trash heap of history is calling and it has some bad news for your outdated notions of relationships.

What’s the worst food you’ve ever spilled in your car?