If I had this in velvet, I would so hang it in my bedroom.
If I had this in velvet, I would so hang it in my bedroom.
As Margaret Cho used to say, “STICK IT IN!” seems to work well.
“And who are you wearing?”
All the stars, take them
Those are the angry, thin, pursed lips and fivehead of a dedicated yet closeted racist. Or a moron. Probably both.
I so would donate to pay the fine if he would have slapped Faat Gruden in the jowls.
Can she not be held in contempt for refusing federal decisions?
That's how I make my meatloaf. I'll see myself out.
“Two plus two equals four... because the baby jesus says so.” ?
Being Kentucky, are we REALLY sure they aren’t blood relations.... and married?
I would like to practice my strongly-held religious beliefs and practices and piss on Kim Davis.
God, I want to cum on punch him in the face.
Really? Because “BUT IT’S IN THE CONSTITUTION” has been pretty damned effective for those who want everyone armed to the teeth.
Believe it or not, America is actually pretty good at losing nearly all wars. Except those against Germans.
Just needs a little tonic. Gin and tonic.
Henry would seem to indicate the judge is a gentleman.
Seriously; if that was the case, I’d have to what I say to “just breathing makes me piss”