Coraline Castell

Yeah, isn’t it funny how the story ALWAYS seems to “call for” white people. Even when it’s set in old China or fuedal Japan or ancient Egypt, somehow white people always seem to be “called for.”

And when someone takes a character that doesn’t have to be white (like Queen Elizabeth I would have to be) and makes them a minority, white people freak out. I’m white and I’m really tired of seeing white people on everything. I work with kids and I want all of my students to see themselves in characters. UGH! 

My problem with the “only if the story calls for it” argument is that the same is never applied to white characters. A lot of stories don’t call for white characters to be white. Jason Bourne, Katniss Everdeen, Ethan Hunt, Ace Ventura, John McClane, Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor - none of these characters needed to be

Well, the bad guys can be black.

I know a lot of people will say its HIS artistic vision and therefore can’t be criticised c ause its censorship or something. But you do know how bad it sounds that his artistic vision apparently means casting almost all white people in any important roles in his movies, right?

you must not know much about Ancient Egypt then.

I'm still waiting on that Assassin's Creed game set in Ancient Egypt.

Autism is a spectrum disorder and the media likes to point to high functioning so-called savants, but the reality is most children with autism need behavioral modification to do the simplistic of tasks. It's not so much teaching them to conform as much as it is to read or use the bathroom with out assistance, or do

Your understanding of behavior modification's use in autism is poor. Behavior modification is still the primary method of helping autistic children, with the theory being the least restrictive methods of modification work best. Shock treatment is not used by any ethical professional. Restraints would only be used