Or the AWD V6 option, for some reason the gearing was just right for that engine.
Or the AWD V6 option, for some reason the gearing was just right for that engine.
Wait isn’t a 4-banger Supra really a Celica? Ok so turbo so Celica GT?
Wait so I’m confused ... is it ok to eat babies now?
Seriuosly - Trudeau showed an amazing amount of restraint. I get it, the cheeturd is known for reprisals but people need to stop being afraid of his reaction.
I honestly have never met a rude Canadian ... Quebecois though ...
No no ... Aussies are the ones where the Crown sent a bunch of ex-convicts to colonize the place.
It’s the smuggled North Koreans acrobats hiding in the boxes.
You have to understand, Canadians are the most polite of all the members of the British Commonwealth. The have elevated the quiet and measured response to an art form. Also consider Canadians have a less-than-stellar track record on the issue and you can see why Trudeau had to pause and think.
Yep, after a proper investigation it will come out that outside non-black agitators and white supremacist groups were behind the looting (lookup “boogaloo” you’ll be chilled by what you find out there). The main point is clear though - the institutionalized and unjustified violence by law enforcement against blacks…
Crap I had finally started watching this - Oh well 72 episodes to go!
Yikes those look suspiciuously like the ones I got from Advance Auto Parts! I usually use two jack stands, put a tire under the car and keep a hydraulic jack on there just in case.
Nah ... what he did to the Broncos was unforgivable. Worst case she’s just another over-hyped media “personality”.
Not saying she’s great but look him up - agree on the anti-vaxxer item. Who the hell still thinks that way with Covid-19 going on? The other stuff ... meh. They’re getting a leg up in the near-term media-based economy. Now ... when the zombie apocalypse comes they’re toast.
You got that right ... he sucked for the Broncos and every team that hired him afterwards. Second-rate all the way. Not sure what she saw in him but trust me it wasn’t really there.
How do you shoot that without dislocating your shoulder? Plus the ammo is military only so ... what the hell?
Well ... he wasn’t that great of a Bond. Weren’t they owned by Ford at that time? I guess he’s worth a Mustang, but not an Aston.
Well fuck ... I guess Cuomo is getting a shot!
Too late now, he’s the guy the Democrats are going to put up against Trump unless he dies, and Bernie isn’t going to win that race either.
Well ... I guess Trump wins again since all the Bernie lovers are going to whine and pout and either: