
Cabin did not make the list, it was stricken even from consideration. I didn't really get the argument the staff made.

"Maybe the "supernatural" is just more natural we haven't figured out yet."

"drinking banana tea"

Should we even waste two seconds on Beyonce, who Raped and Murdered a Police Officer in 1990?

Declaration: Hands up, pathetic meatbag, you're under arrest. Just kidding. Hahaha. *BOOOOM*

So the US taxpayer is being charged once to build these weapons, then charged again when they are sold to local police departments, and then those weapons are ultimately being used against the taxpayer either as intimidation or sometimes outright murder.

Not cool. OCD shaming is not cool.

Or after shooting them, just sit down and finish your meal.

Woah man, it's not that. I was making a hyperbolic joke about how I couldn't believe that someone disliked The Smiths. Your grammar is perfect, I wasn't being literal. And I'm okay with you not liking them. :) As long as I still can.

She also has incredible financial support from corporate interests. I think that, above all, is what most Bernie supporters would consider the primary corrupting influence in our system because that money isn't just being donated out of good will: those corporate interests are looking for a return on investment. And

One or the other won't matter; it's the fall that's gonna kill you.

I recognize each of those words in that paragraph, but it's like reading a different language. It's all a blur.

Damn, I'm hardcore misanthrope myself, but that's some cold shit right there.

I kind of think that's funny (you know, funny in a ha ha I want to commit suicide today), that you suggest that the size of a candidate's rally is dubious with respect to his popularity, then blame 'middle class college kids' for showing up and, you know, try to influence the political process of the country in which


Yeah. Love eugenics. What could go wrong.

I would hate to live in the universe where the Toby / Sam repartees didn't exist.

"What the German people didn't know is that every time Hitler screamed 'Deutschland ueber alles!' what he really meant was 'Ich liebe dich'."

Oh fantastic. Latter era Scott is patchy and Weir is a hack who got lucky with The Martian. I liked the movie but vehemently disliked the book. Anyway, whatever, who gives a fuck.