

You mean "robbing his castle"? Wow, collecting misheard lyrics is a fun hobby.

This comment makes me unreasonably angry. I'm no fan of Miller's music, but who the fuck are you to imply that someone isn't an artist just because (I assume) you dislike their output?

Oh great, another 4 hours I didn't need. Well, honestly, I actually don't need them. Dan wins again!

I don't even care, it's so goddamn good to have Teti and this column back, just in time. That Phil Simms shit had me on my ass, laughing. I hate the Pats, John, but I'm rooting for them just for you (at least until they play Seattle again).

'If I met Harrison Ford, I would say, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," shake his hand and go about my business. my name is Dunk Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die." And then we'd duel.' FTFY

Just FYI, it wasn't a heeler in Gladiator, but it certainly was in Road Warrior. As the foster father of two cattle dogs, let me applaud your possible future choice: that particular breed is just whip smart and a joy to be around.

Came here to post that exact sentiment. Searching For Friends is just a fantastic track, must be that synth pan flute that gets to me. In the days before the .mp3, I would fly around the World of Ruin for quite a while just listening to SFF…until that fucking Doom Gaze would attack me.

Todd Louiso: You liked his second one, you said, Hamlet, it's the one with Kenneth Branagh on the cover…oh, you never saw the cover, though, you just had that play I made you.

Fuck you, Jeff Tweedy. What is it with Jeffs?

Hey, your game Dipshit.

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a guard, you say "YES"!

My major goal in life is to forge teaching credentials and become a high school history teacher, just so I can teach each class about my latest travails in CK2 and pass it off as actual history. I mean really, the batshit things that happen in CK2 are no more batshit than the things that actually happened so it's all

Agreed. I think it's long past time to dig that one out. Means I have to relearn how to play Tetra Master again.

I heard that as 'cinophobic', which I took to mean he dislikes / is scared of movies. Which is strange for a professional actor.

Nocturnes? Etudes? I was always partial to the Sonatas and Preludes myself.

I guess I just don't understand what his beef is.

Those jokes are like someone's memories of jokes…and the memories are fading.

Give it time. John Roberts 2024?

Hey! That movie is kinda cool. It has my favourite Skarsgård in it!