
I think the point is that this is not taking place five minutes into a stand alone piece. This is taking place about one and a half seasons into a continuous work.

Jesus, the scene between Matt and Grandma Saracen kills me every time. It's not just because the song Mr. Sandman is a deep meaningful childhood song for me, but it's the love and respect that Matt shows his grandmother as he's helping her and the love that his grandmother shows to him; even in her altered state, I

Completely agree. Music is not just some throwaway background noise, it's an art form and takes time to plumb the depths of even one worthwhile piece. This belief that music is some kind of barometer of hipster social status based on how many artists you know or concerts you've been to is really sad.

Thank you.


I'm a sucker for the Terrok Nor flashback episodes, so I'd say Necessary Evil and Things Past, both of which are kind of parallel to each other in that they explore Kira's and Odo's shady actions during the Occupation.

They're dead. You're dead. Romulus is dead.

And, as a bonus, Kira's suddenly single! Things are looking up for our young writer Sisko.

I'm so confused. The final two TNG films were Generations and First Contact. What is Insurrection?

Take my wife, please!

Holy shit that's a weird username / comment synergy.

It does give her paws now, though.

She's thinking twice now about when he told her she was the cat's meow.

I'm pretty sure I'd tune in more regularly if each week was a series of one or two word responses to douchebags writing in for advice.

Case in point, both from Freaks and Geeks:

Fuck you Rick Berman!

I have to second this. If you're so deep into an act that the audience can't tell that you're doing a Stephen Colbert, then what you're actually doing is a Rush Limbaugh.

I wonder what Ted Leo's view on Castroism is.

Reports of Fidel Castro's death have been greatly exaggerated.

I thought we were talking about Ricky Hitler.