
He shaves his head for no reason?? That's like using a wheelchair for the fun of it!

There was that kid who got named "Messiah", that's kind of an occupational name. Nine out of ten judges agree: it's a great name!

I imagine Todd and Ramsay would get on famously. Shooting children, torturing people, capturing tarantulas, cooking meth…it's pretty much a match made in heav…er, hell.

Autism is a hell of a disorder.

#4, that was the blackest black humour I've ever experienced; that scene was super intense (I was kinda sure Walt Jr. was going to slip and fall onto the knife) and then Walt says that line with Skyler bleeding, Walt Jr. terrified, and Holly screaming in the background…it was a strange sensation to laugh in the midst

I thought about this possibility last night. I think it rings true; after all this time, the cancer and all the dangerous situations, Walt is going to be el último hombre. Last man standing. It's the cruelest fate possible to die knowing that everything you had ever hoped to save and protect has been destroyed by your

You know, seeing Uncle Jack and his cronies in action over the last half-season, it brings me back to the episode where Mike mentioned that he had checked out Todd's connections and that they didn't worry him.

I always rather liked Adm. Nechayev, she never struck me as outright incompetent like most of the other brass on the shows. She just always had the shit assignments to give to Picard.


"…she was going to drag me down off the virtuous train and into sexual congress sooner or later…"

Yeah, I'm right there. My religious pacifistic Egyptians are about to get the beat down from these fucking insane Aztecs in my latest Civ V game on Prince mode.

"Maybe if Mr. Morrissey had spent a little more time trying to find the bodies, or even stopping the murders themselves, rather than just whining about it in this so-called song, it would have brought much more closure to the case. I don't see much of a future for these 'Smiths' characters."

He only had about 450K - 500K, IIRC. Part of that was to pay Saul, the rest was to buy the house. After that he was pretty much out of money again until he joined up with Walt and the Fring operation.

"…He's known them for 10 years, he doesn't have to remind them that he has a super severe nut allergy.  It's a given that they won't put something he's allergic to in there…"

Late to the party, but another thing about the bells; there were twelve of them. High noon. Showdown.

True, but there's one thing Affleck's got that Damon hasn't….A GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD!

*Throws cuddly bear at @avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus*

Skyler has the worst f%#$#@ lawyer.

Walt, I'm telling you this for your own good, that's the worst fuckin' sweater I've ever seen, that's a Cosby sweater, a Cosby sweater. Did Skyler let you leave the house like that?

I agree with this. Walt's a dead man with nothing to lose, but he's not going to count on the cancer killing him; that could take months of agony (or it could not kill him at all; his cancer seems prone to remission). I'm sure death by ricin is no picnic either, but it's only for 3 days or so.