
@avclub-3c186e3d9f3f1722bba47d613f1604ad:disqus I refuse to discount any possibility in this show. Turns out Walter's been wise to us the whole time.

Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about… your bartender.


 I was just disappointed that they left me in the Cardassian jail

We've always been at war with Oceania, brah.

Eh, Brian Cox or GTFO. Brian Greene on TV gets on my nerves (though his books are just fine).

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I see Paul as heroic, a tragic hero perhaps, not in that he toppled the Emperor and avenged his father and restored his House, but rather that he fought against his prescient visions of the Jihad and tried to stop the avalanche of butchery. He is defeated in the end by

Andy Roddick? Is that you?

But how do we filter out the teases? We don't let them in.

Beetlejuice is pretty much my inspiration for everything I do in life.

Bastard, that's so good, it should have been mine.

We're on a boat, Motherfucker, don't you ever forget.

Truth, because that would have been strange. They'd be like "Hey guys, this song is about our ship! Yeah! Hey, why is he singing so sad? Why did he just sing that we all died in a storm? Are….are we dead? Is this death? Guys?"

He's just buying the submarine, he's not going to be first mate.

They don't allow you have bees in here…

If you …are thinking… about making… this movie…DON'T!

Magua's gettin' upset!

Vous parlez poison de deux languettes!

Third RJS. Honorable mention Cookie Monster.

You know AVClub, if you're running out of Inventory ideas, you can always ask us in the community for some help. It's ok, really, we're here for you.