

“Stitches”, LOL.

Excellent lede, two tartar sauce-hued thumbs up.

Blue Point! I had one named Bucky, he was my most favorite thing ever.

Congressional term limits, three terms (better two) and you’re done in Congress for life.

Lauren Evans is the best writer at Jezebel, Elle Shechet a close 2nd. Awards are being cast.

I know I’m banned for life, but here’s a fun (if you hate moron Michael Kay and the Yankees) Ichiro memory: I was in Yankee stadium in April 2001 for an afternoon Mariners game. I was listening to Kay and John Sterling on the radio in one ear. The M’s won easily and Ichiro went 2-4 with two “soft” singles. Kay said

You can’t get beat short-side on that Arvidsson goal, Hellebuyck was out of position.

1982 hair approves. people like curry chicken? #VeryWhiteManCheckingIn

Reminds of Bossy. Somebody’s gotta put the puck in the fucking net, especially these big fast D-man days.

Unrelated note: Doug Weight should be fired for starting Halak back-to-back against terrible Montreal (2 Ls, 8GA). Halak has sucked as an Isle against his former team.

2010, nothing there but a Duane Reade? That’s fucking rich.


Also, he was a decent 3rd baseman when he came up (his call up was stupidly delayed years because of Jim Presley). He only became a DH because of bad knees.

Quebec City deserves a team more than any shithole American city. But then, deserve’s got nothing to do with it (in memory of the Šťastný brothers line).

Where’s the spon con tag?

This the best thing ever written about anything.

Jeff Petry is is not only a pylon he’s also a FREE GIVEAWAY! d-man—long-suffering Habs fan reporting. #FireBergevin