
Jezebel: never tires of showing its ageism. Peace.

Not a Rangers fan btw, I just live in NYC.

This is bullshit. Quebec City deserves a team a million times more than fucking Las Vegas. Fuck Queens lawyer Bettman, Fuck no-nothing American hockey fans, and fuck you Arizona Coyotes, just for the fuck of it.

I watched him play all season. Basically a one-way defenseman. Very good passer, very non-contact in his own zone. Which would be fine, if he was great with his stick d-wise like Staal, but he isn’t.

“STRENGTH IN NUMBERS” herby-ass slogan. No, noodle-arm mathy herbs, there’s strength in strength.

Well said, Barry.

He may not be “gritty,” but as he displayed in last night’s game, he can take multiple big hits and shrug em off like Alex Kovalev did. Signed: Crosby Hater For Life (because of the ref whining).

You guyz should hire Scarlett Curtis.

Good headline. Signed: professional headline writer for 25 years.

“...a bottle of Arbor Mist and a slathering of Icy Hot on their old-ass feet.”

Re: your Madonna comment: par for the course for your ridiculously ageist generation.

“Fun fact: my number one turn-on is having those ingredients whispered in my ear.”

“Sentient Hate-Balloon...”

“Skanks” is totally not the right word to use to insult you Jezebels.

Something to throw at him at rallies. Only rubber ones, don’t want injure him. Double-ended, for more visual impact.

Gardiner was probably trying to drill that slapper into the netting but mis-hit it.

Vacuum cleaners don’t have sleeves with aces up them.

Vacuum cleaners don’t have sleeves with aces up them.

Rats are kinda big in hockey. Players who hang around rinks looking for games = rink rats. They’re are several teams named Rink Rats and River Rats. Retired dirty player Ken Linesman (pictured) was nicknamed “The Rat” because he was dirty and looked like a rat. Etc.

“...infomercials over ham radio.”

You are so edgy, Madeleine.