
I'm 5 hours into the game, and on the 2nd chapter now. Solving most of Layton's puzzles with ease, since they were pretty easy until I got stuck in a "doll house vacancy management" puzzle. Not a obligatory puzzle mind you, just my OCD-ness in completing all puzzles before moving on with the storyline.

6 hours into the game, and beating the 1st arc, I have to say I'm completely disappointed with a couple of stuff:

I've come to the same realization too. I've started playing as an Asuran Necromancer, had a pretty tough time progressing through the story since the "public quests" didn't gave enough EXP. Had to grind the same public event quest couple of times until I finally got bored and explored the world (go to new areas where

Thank you very much :D Yeap, played on the SEA server like decades ago (it has been almost a decade now that I think about it lol). Thanks for the wishes, and GL to you too :)

Oh excuse me milady :D

Thanks for the compliments kind sir :) Hope the invitation made your day

Thank you kind sir. Aside from playing it countless moons ago, I chose to use it coz of the 8 bit graphics as well as various kinds of expression and costume that it has. Need somethin' to express ourselves, make our avatars in the invitation :D

Glad to hear that, wait till you see the decoration and other tidbits we planned for the wedding reception :D It'll restore your faith in humanity lol

11? Make it 12! Here's me and my girl's wedding invitation. If any of you guys are in Jakarta on August 11, drop in and join our celebration. :D

Wow that was fast, you've beat nightmare already? I'm still in act 1 of NM, playing wizard. It is especially true about the drops. I never even look forward to get any useful ones from elite mobs or even bosses. Killed Leoric after a grueling battle and all i got is a useless ring & pants with a +str & +dex. I only

Errr we didn't even got the chance to choose our genders in previous Diablo games. This is the first time we can customize it. For me that's more than enough. The only way to customize your character is throught your equip, banner and dyes...

Ouch man, just ouch. Bravo for the very long and thorough explanation. It made me able to grasp the problem with the loot system. Personally I found there's something just doesn't feel right. I thought it was just me who kept getting loots which I can't use. I'm using a wizard, currently level 38 still in act 1 NM.

Me too. Back in 96, playing Diablo 1 as it is... is just pure bliss. Now? if we're lucky, we should be able to play it next week.

On the contrary, they've handled WoW for 8 years. They should've expected the game to be insanely overcrowded due to the hype and the number of players who have been waiting for 10+ years. Yet, they failed even after all of WoW's early lag / crash / troubles. They never learned anything, sheesh.

There should be a series for this. Error 12 (there's no Diablo 3 attached to your account), Error 33, Error 35, etc. I'm sure it'll sell like hellfire, I mean hotcakes

Even though I completely agree with the article, i have to say that dedicated, hardcore handheld gaming is still threatened. If too much people prefer these kinds of iOS / Android "timewaster" / mini games, the fans of the "real" handheld games will be so niche, the big companies will stop making them.

Incomplete information aside, just wanted to comment on the actual game itself. I've played Theatrhythm for almost 30 hours. I have only unlocked 4 of the 16 hidden characters. Enjoyed every second of it. Though I really wondered about author's complains about the "bonus stages". To me it's a completely optional

My thought the same, even 3DS uses SD cards. I still have a spare 4 & 16 GB Mem Stick Pro Duo.

Although it's perfectly normal to buy a new console, along with its games and memory unit, (after all, we all have been there with the PSP). My biggest qualm with the Vita is the fact that we have to do it all over again, even though technology-wise, we shouldn't have to. The 3DS uses SD Cards, why can't Vita use the

I have to admit, I'm incredibly pleased with DA2. The combat's more fluid, the storytelling and characters are more vibrant. (You have to admit, carver & aveline have more "dimensions" compared to the pretty bland, one dimensional alistair & morrigan). The skill system is improved too IMO, everything's in one screen,