
I’m pretty sure the young girl and man beside Sue & Reed are Val & Franklin. Glad they’re FINALLY growing up as teenagers.

Noticed how Kylo is trying too hard to revel in the Dark Side of the Force. Him giving up to his angers (compared to Vader) showed how he tried to harness his anger, utilize his hate to fuel his powers and affinity to the dark side.

I was literally put into tears, clapping, giggling, and reveling in the fact that I’m watching an actual, honest to goodness, Star Wars sequel. A worthy entry to the series that’s way better than the prequel trilogy. I’m a bit disappointed in the numerous plot similarities to ep. 4, though I can understand the need to

Whaat? How come you guys ranked both racist Buzz Lightyear and the Shakespearean super mutie so low on the list?! When I first reached the FMS northern star, Danse went on his way and pretty much clean the whole deck by himself. Strong efficiently meatshielded me and became a good packmule so many times. Nick is good,

Either the time dilation prevents us from scanning galactic Civs before (or after) they were formed, the Aliens have means to “cloak” themselves, to protect them from vile, hostile alien species, or we exist in a totally different vibrational frequency / plane compared to them.

I live in Indonesia and I just got my Pip Boy today from Amazon, it was immediately shipped on D-Day, November 10. Everything’s neat and dandy. Though I did pre-order it the moment it was announced, and I was using the express shipping too.

AFAIK buying digitally from Steam doesn’t mean you’re actually “own” the game. You’re just owning the right to have it in your digital Steam account, download it, and play it.

If there’s something awry going on and Steam got closed, changed ownership, some sort of violation or hack or bug happened, you could lose your

After the destruction of the 2nd Death Star, Luke is probably the #1 most wanted Rebel in the empire. Yoda’s bounty was quite astronomical, that’s why he exiled himself to Dagobah. The same thing happened to Ben. Got a feeling Luke’s bounty is on par with his two late masters,... or much more.

After what they went through, especially after they got divided due to Ultron and Scarlet Witch’s visions, which ultimately leads to their reunification in the end of AoU, the Avengers should be stronger, more solid than ever.

Here’s my theory for Cap 3. After what they went through, especially after they got divided due to Ultron and Scarlet Witch’s visions, which ultimately leads to their reunification in the end of AoU, the Avengers should be stronger, more solid than ever.

The email is on its way, Luke. My 2 cents: Sometimes ppl pirate things because they’re sleazy, they’re sneaky, devilishly playful and prideful (like a hacker), or just plain mean. But sometimes ppl do that because of geographical limitations, obliviousness, the government or a company’s bureaucratic bullcrap that

There was a new system update on the Japanese 3DS, giving players a crane game called Badge Toreru Center. Or get a badge center. Or badget getter center.

Unfortunately Leopardon is no match for the head honcho of the Inheritors....

  • Door opening and creaking: the original RE 1's way to cheat the loading screen / process. The door looks pretty similar to the lab door under the fountain

Totally agree, releasing the Jap version on Christmas day and the American / UK one 2 days later is just ridiculously stupid. I've been trying to log on to the eShop countless times since Christmas day (I'm using a Japanese 3DS) and the only time I managed to go through the Bank was already taken out. It'll be lucky

Iirc, Phantasy Star 4 came out 2 or 3 years after 3. Street Fighter 2 has lots of "sequels" or iterations, sure, but it shows up years after 1 (I don't even remember how long, heck I don't even remember if there was ever a home console of 1)

1. Alien Collonial Marines. Being a fan of the Alien series & Gearbox, I had so much hope for this. Aside from being so different compared to the original gameplay trailer, the AI is crap.

Hahaha never thought anyone would pay attention to it. You got good eyes and great attention to details :D

The head proportion is still off though, but thanks for the compliments :D

The face isn't as wide .... buuuuttt close enough :P