
Stop resisting!!!1!

Spelled “we’re” correctly so I’m sold.

Just a weird way to point out a news story on a gossip blog comment section. If people want breaking news, they know where to find it.

I agree to an extent, but it is the awful waffle after midnight, and chances are none of the other patrons were mentally on this planet during the altercation.

Holy shit! Really! Thanks so much for sharing this way down in the comments! I’m just going to start looking for breaking news comments from you and disregard my AP feed...

Jesus, again you are a conceited fucking twat. Of course it was a trailer, and I’m sure your mom waited 1 more table at her low wage restaurant job than anyone else’s mom. I’m so happy you know which item is healthier than the other, and I can’t wait for you to get to the part where you explain how we will communicate

He’s going to come back at you with something about “echo chambers” and fuck heads, while explaining to you just how poor he was before he turned it all around through 13 hour shifts. All the while he cooked beans and rice, cheap meats, and veggies. He will also sprinkle in diabetes without understanding that it’s

Then where do you draw the line? What other decisions do we get to make for these people? Honestly, why should a dime of muh money go to any of these “poors” with their bad habits? Have they no refuse, no resources? Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?

Boy you are sure are fighting this the entire way to the bottom. Tell us again just how poor you grew up. Was it “lived in a trailer/camper, 35 miles deep in a rural community, with a Grab-n-Go country store as your only grocery” poor? Small, privately owned stores that will gladly charge a large mark-up because they

So much wrong with this comment and line of thinking, and I have absolutely no time to help you out with the flawed logic. You should find some way to live 30 days like someone that relies on assistance to get by, then get back to us on your bullshit hot taek.

I always find it interesting that most of the racists I’ve encountered love football and basketball. I had a black patrol partner for 6 years, and it was always interesting to hear drunk, racist shitbags call him derogatory words while wearing the jersey of a black athlete.

I’m a retired cop and I would feel extremely uncomfortable if someone decided to pull a firearm during a political meet and greet, even if it happened to be the politician themselves. Now, would I be in my legal rights to shoot him with my concealed weapon? Would his drawing a firearm randomly in a diner not

Yea you seem to have less of an understanding of DACA than Trump. Jesus you are a pathetic little basement dweller.

I’m not a Christian but I can explain the meaning of Easter. Trump isn’t a Christian, and he can’t explain the meaning of Easter because he is dumb as a box of fucking rocks.

Honestly I don’t think the drugs are the problem, it’s the procurement method. Drug dealers usually carry multiple items and make more money from cocaine and other substances than weed, so they push clients towards the substances with a higher profit margin.

I think the issue isn’t that she is correct about fentanyl, but confusing the crowds associated with the problems. Through my job I met a lot of heroin users, and I helped 2 turn their lives around and get clean. None of them were concerned with sugar intake or eating organic.

Wait, I thought by now he was just working on rallying the deatheaters?

Where did you see the photos? This article states the police declined to release them to the Willamette, and all I saw on the original article are what appear to be stock photos.

Sorry, you lost me at Episcopalian.

Can an officer use discretion on certain violations? Sure. Is an officer expected to follow SoC and the law? Absolutely. They should set the example of how to properly operate a vehicle on public highways (exception of course when emergency circumstances apply).