Coppola's Big Napkin

Or the ending of The Thing.

Utah! Make it two!

Agreed, it was a rare miss for WHM. Some films just defy ridicule. Winter's Tale screenplay seemed like 90% byzantine world building and 10% loopy romantic fantasy.

They can't figure out even the most straightforward movies. Its no surpirse they were flummoxed by Winter's Tale.

RIP Nei. Never forget.

The Normal - "Warm Leatherette." I know it'd been covered many times, but it's an industrial standard.

Magazine - "Light pours Out of Me."

I'd slide that was over to my dad. He's one of the top brokers in the state.

We watched Star Trek II, 1776, Watcher in the Woods, Mac and Me, Clash of the Titans, the pilot of The Simpsons and Native Son. So, a little from column A, a little from column B.

Devoin Shower Handle is from my alma mater.

I came here specifically to post this. Glad I skimmed down first.

Up the Junction is the correct answer. Pulling Muscles From the Shell is a strong #2.

Roller is their best. Sandwiched between two stone cold classic scores - Deep Red and Suspiria.

I will be there October 1st in the ATL. Pretty much my dream show since I was 17.


Please don't watch this movie. In the Mouth of Madness was the last good John Carpenter film. This is just a pale imitation of his best work. The pointless flashbacks are especially puzzling, almost like he was trying something, anything to make the material interesting.