Go Clovers!
Go Clovers!
And Gabrielle Union. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if those three (and others from Bring it On) make significant contributions.
Hide the Junk Food
Are you me? Gordon+Community 4evah.
I’ll assume you’ve seen it, but just in case (and for anyone else): look for the outtakes clip from that season to see some reaction shots from Allison Brie during this scene that have to be seen to be believed. She lets out a derisive snort that is probably the single funniest noise I have ever heard escape from a…
BNL didn’t suck so hard until they tried to appeal to mass US audiences.
I hope so! Fingers crossed!
Well, I certainly hope Maureen Johnson is right. We could use some right now.
RIP Debbie, may you sing and laugh in the great beyond with all the other greats lost this year and your dear Daughter.
Carpet installers!!! I had a LCD in my condo’s garage in my storage area. I put it under a box when the carpet installers came because I knew they would be walking through the garage (which was just for me and the person above me). When they came, I forgot about it being hidden. A week later, I went to go find it,…
Les Cousins Dangereux
Holy hell, stifling tears at my desk right now:
As far as I’m concerned, Kurt Eichenwald and David Farenthold were the only Real Journalists doing Actual Journalism this election, only to be mostly ignored by people and other media in favor of #omg!emails!
I’ve read a few articles/tweets like this today.
I would rather spend all day being forced to look at pictures from Patrick J. Adams and Troian Bellisario’s twee camp wedding (two people I like but boy, the THEME) than pretend to care for one minute that I give a shit about Tobey Maguire, Demi Moore, or Tobey Maguire and Demi Moore.
Step 1 in delegitimizing real investigative reporting. He knows that smaller papers take note of what bigger papers cover and respond to. If he makes the NY Times seem like a tabloid he can then make the National Enquirer seem legit. Who knew you could be a dissident just by subscribing to a big newspaper (which I…
We have a cabinet full of candles. Fuck candles.
I used to make my own tomato sauce (a neighbor would give me her extra tomatoes, but she moved away) and I would freeze it in 1-pint containers, usually what I needed for various recipes. When going to a party I would often grab one or two containers as a host gift; they always flipped and immediately shoved it in the…