
I’m sorry. You were just a child and you didn’t realize it.

I think the “start small” works on so many levels, and is a profound tool for those of us who may have health-related issues tied to inactivity. Why am I saying it that way? Because not every person who is heavy is unhealthy. I happen to be both, and every person who has ever suggested I should do a 2 hour spin class

Agred. I remember when I fell in love with Jezebel. Now I’m in this weird resentful marriage with her.

Old Kylie is unimpressed by new Kylie.

In an interview with NBC News on Monday, Gov. Pat McRory called criticism of the law “political theater.”

Instead of a madonna/whore dichotomy, I think Trump employs a fat pig/bimbo dichotomy. Kelly is not fat or ugly, and she’s not a bimbo because she keeps challenging him. At first, he was pissed that she was given permission to do so, but now that it’s clear FOX isn’t going to hide her away to appease him, she is now

I didn’t mind the way she handled the karate thing. And I thought it was awesome how receptive the karate teacher was to the criticism!

That’s the way the “authorities” treated it before it was legal here in Canada. My mom almost bled to death from an illegal abortion in the ‘50s and the police were on her like white on rice while she was in the hospital. They threatened her with jail if she didn’t give up the name of her abortion provider! But she

I didn’t post it the 1st time around, but my friend Joyce Arthur wrote that. She is an amazing champion for choice here in Canada!

Plus I would bet you anything that the surprise-knocked-up daughters of the wealthy and powerful will still be able to be quietly whisked away to have their safe clean abortions.

Exactly. That’s a feature of their plan, not a bug.

It won’t be the only thing they remember, Amanda. My husband died in 2009. He was a writer, a historian, a genealogist, and a storyteller. He was much beloved in his community. He lived for 3 years after his diagnosis. The last year was pretty tough - but that isn’t what people remember. They remember the stories he

You haven’t been around 18 year olds lately, have you:)

I don’t understand a word of it but HNIC’s Punjabi colour commentary is fucking exhilarating.

Even Newfoundlanders?

The CBC sometimes does it in Punjabi too. Everyone should have the right to hear the game called in their own language.

I once flicked past APTN and they were airing a hockey game with commentary in some First Nations language and it was the probably the most Canadian thing I’ve ever seen.

Sorry to be that person, but Joe Clark was our youngest Prime Minister and Justin Trudeau is our second youngest. Thanks for the article!

I guess now we know what he’ll talk about if he ever meets George W Bush.

I for one, think he would make a great 13th Doctor.