
I will confess I enjoyed Serial, because I LOVE stories and I LOVE podcasts, so this was like kismet for me. I also connected with this story because I’m the same age as Adnan (and the rest of the “cast of characters”), and this was around the time that Burke was killed. So it took me back to high school and what it

Nuun are great. I used to use them in my water when I was doing field work in Texas in the summer. Also, they hide the taste of warm, nasty (but clean) water, which helps if that is barrier to making yourself drink.

I have dehydrated myself so many times when I was working as a wildnerness guide. For me it was more inattention, but when you combine that getting water is work (aka you have to filter or purify it) and going to the bathroom in the woods isn’t fun for women, and add to that a situation where you are physically active

I know, couldn’t those radio play writers had made things easier for us, by appropriately dropping clues through the story so we could solve along at home, and get the answer as the story reveals it in the very special, two-hour live finale.

To the judge, not the people trying to do something about him,

No, it's her baby.

You are killing me ... I want to to go there!

Glad to hear you guys are keeping it affordable. When we met with the Catellus people (I had totally forgotten the developer name) we asked what happened if the people in the affordable housing never moved out and the program ran out of money, they said they were happy because that meant that the housing had stayed

Yay Mueller dwellers! That distinctly isn’t a gentrification project because of efforts of people trying to make things better. The side-by-side affordability program and the soft-second mortgage program makes it really awesome. Some of my profs were involved with that project so we got to speak with the developers

For goodness sake, Houston has an out lesbian mayor (who won by a good margin based on whats listed on her wiki page).

As janeka001 pointed out, I was being hyperbolic, and my memories are from 08-10, so yes there are buses that run, but the routes are less useful, less frequent, and with a bunch of transfers.

This was in 2009, but I lived off Rosewood near Hargrave (behind the community center) and it would take me 45-60 minutes and two or three changes to get from the 40 Acres to my house by bus, biking would take me 15 and driving 5.

The extreme racial/socio-economic divide, the gentrification of tradtionally affordable Hispanic and Black neighborhoods in East Austin, the fact that transit doesn’t run east/west to prevent said Black and Hispanic people from going into posh (white) West Austin.

This one time in Austin, I mean Portland, wait maybe bandcamp ...

I had missed out on her existance (in my defense I live in Canada w/o TV, only streaming) until Milk, Milk, Lemonade was posted here on Rav and I started watching her stuff. So good! I do have an IP masker so I can get Hulu so I’ve been working on watching her back catologue and getting her new eps two weeks later but

I read an article on Slate this morning (…) about how her costume choices are just so on point/making a point, so I imagine that the short skirt was absolutely intentional/referential.

I gave my sister (who was just pregnant, due in August) half a heart attack when I explained that there was going to be a conflict (not neceissarly armed, but certainly contentious) over water and that it could happen in our lifetime and more likely during her future child’s lifetime. She hadn’t realized how political

That’s where I am, up on Georgian Bay. It hurts me to watch the neighbors wash their driveways nearly every day. I used to live in Austin, I know how water-insecure the south and west are and how hard we are going to have to fight to make sure we don’t find the Great Lakes drained to water the southwest US.

I live on the shores of the Great Lakes and I still do my part to shame my neighbours for watering their driveways, cause that is bullshit.