That is amazing, it made my afternoon!
That is amazing, it made my afternoon!
For me it is more books than TV. I remember rereading The Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce and finally understanding why Alanna didn’t marry Jon even though they loved each other (although a small part of me still ships them a little and they could have made it work).
We made my brother-in-law give his phone to his best man so that he would resist the temptation to take a picture of my sister as she came down the aisle. He had requested no knowledge/image of the dress before she came down the aisle, but we (my sister, my mom and me) liked to screw with him and pretend to show him…
It’s amazing what rewatching media can teach you about what was really going on. I regret so many of my teenager ‘ships since rewatching/reading some of my faves as an adult.
This was my mother’s reasoning when she gave my dad a bigger scoop of ice cream “well he isn’t going to grow up and move away from home”.
No, but when they need an abortion it is a totally moral and righteous choice.
Because we focus on Rand Paul and Ted Cruz almost 2 years before the election, instead of local races. People treat the presidential race like the winner is going to be a benevolent (or not) dictator and forget that they don’t make our laws, but rather it is your your town/city councillors and state/provincial…
I’m 30 and I’m still not sure if I’m getting checked out. This may be why I’ve had trouble finding dates.
Yay for people having an Oma and Opa. My sister is having my parent’s first grandchild, adn I think my dad is going to be an Opa (or a NOpa, because he has been called Uncle No (Joe) by my much younger cousins for years because he says no fairly often).
I’m pretty sure my Oma was engaged to an SS officer during the war and we have the engagement ring he gave her (which the story goes was some mad Bavarian prince who gave them to all 13 of his mistresses) however he hit her once, she left him, was a translator on the V2 rocket exchange talks (she was a Cdn/German…
This whole thing is such a fustercluck and make the Sofia Vergara situation seem like just keeping those fertilized eggs frozen (or destroying them) is the right call.
However, their perceptions of the event were very different, but they were probably each others rapists. In the show it is presented that Duncan believed that it was a consensual encounter (that Veronica repressed due to shame/fear over the idea that they were siblings), while Veronica who lost consciousness believed…
Hey now, Duncan was her date rapist (she was clearly unable to consent after her “trip to the dentist”) not her brother.
No I never did see it, this all happened around HS graduation and I moved away that summer and have only been back a few times in the 10 years since. But the guy who got it was a total tool so it always gives me a little chuckle.
I had a friend in HS who was asked by another friend to do a drawing of a dragon with a saxophone for a tail. She thought it was a stupid concept, but he was willing to pay for the drawing so she did it (and made the best of a bad thing). Next time she saw him, he had it tattooed on his arm.
Yes but Bob Saget was old Ted on How I Met Your Mother, who I still haven’t forgiven for tormenting his kids, and us, with a 9 year story about how the mother was too awesome to live, and that he always had a thing for Aunt Robin.
It turns me off for the most part.
The fact that this show isn’t on any streaming services (that I hvae found so far) makes me sad, because it was a pretty good show at the beginning.
I used to wilderness canoe when I was a teenager, that is how we passed hours on those trips, lots of random thinking and then the occasional group discussion of what we would eat when we got home. Ice cream & poutine were popular picks.