
Oh Kellan Lutz, you marshmallow fiend, come sit on Grand-uncles knee.

Yes, you would think. What happened was we were living in Ottawa (of all places, you think they would be used to strange border papers) and were flying to a cousins wedding in the Bahamas but our flight was going through Ft. Lauderdale so we had to fly on our US papers (rather than our Canadian passports).

And Trophy Wife, terrible name, amazing show and cancelled as of yesterday.

On a side note have you been to the "Walking with My Sisters" exhibit?

For most of 5th (circa 1995) grade I exerted my Canadian-ness at my school in Pennsylvania. I figured I wasn't a citizen (we had Green Cards at that stage) so it was disingenuous for me to be pledging my allegiance to a country of which I wasn't a citizen. I would stand and face the flag but wouldn't put my hand

And who was the ass crack bandit?!?

A friend of mine linked a great piece from Paul Krugman in the NYT about the bullshit behind the whole thing. That basically allowing private farmers to graze on public lands is a form of welfare (they are being given a free service by the government) and that the conservatives feel this is a right for them because

I'm 29 and have no idea how to put on makeup other than mascara (oh and I can curl my eyelashes). You are not alone!

I was thinking more ESPN.

Apparently in Quebec they refer to Table Syrup as "sirop de poteau" which translates to "pole syrup" or better "syrup of a telephone pole". Somehow that makes me feel better.

I'm really, really glad to be in Canada.

That's my dream!

I'm just wishing she would show up on Agents of SHIELD (I haven't given up on it yet). I think her and Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) along with FitzSimmons and Agent Coulson would be a way better team that Agent Bland and Skye.

I see your cat model and raise you mine ... he is such a ham when he wants to be.

The only reason I was pissed off when I lost my Blackberry a couple of years ago is that it was filled with cat pictures I never downloaded to my computer, because Blackberry. That cat disappeared a few months after I lost my phone and I don't have any pictures of him, *pout*.

I'm glad your cats are taking such good care of you, they are great companions.

Its because "orange cat".

Oh that is the worst, I'm so sorry. I can't believe what some people think is "funny".

Growing up, my mom discouraged April Fool's Day for just this reason. The only really "good" pranks are cruel, cruelty and mocking of others was unacceptable in our house.

In high school I would microwave a tortilla till it got all soft and puffy and then spread on some mayo and roll it up and eat it before it got cold. Mayo is awesome.